Registos Bibliográficos associados ao registo de autoridade |
Etiqueta de registo: 00851cam 2200241 450 001 706829 003 005 19990107000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)706829 095 ## $aPTBN00920554 100 ## $a19970923d1773 k y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $aeng$cger 102 ## $aGB 200 1# $aTravels through Sicily and that part of Italy formerly called Magna Graecia... 210 #9 $aLondon$cfor Edward and Charles Dilly,$d1773 215 ## $a[8], 383 p. 700 #0 $aRiedefel,$cBarão$3260800 702 #1 $aForster,$bJohn Reinhod$4730$390735 702 #1 $aDilly,$bEdward,$ffl. 17---1779$4610$31627213 702 #1 $aDilly,$bCharles,$ffl. 1759-1807$4610$31614298 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 42 $zPágina de título$u$2Página de título 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 9004 P. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01781cam 22003971 450 001 430527 003 005 19981231000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)430527 095 ## $aPTBN00459635 100 ## $a19911127d1792 km y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aGB 200 1# $a?A ?journey through Spain in the year 1786 and 1787 with particular attention to the
agriculture, manufactures, commerce, population, taxes and revenue of that country
and remarks in passing through a part of France 205 ## $a2nd ed. with additions and corrections 210 #9 $aLondon$cfor C. Dilly,$d1792 215 ## $a3 v. 700 #1 $aTownsend,$bJoseph$3266214 702 #1 $aDilly,$bCharles,$ffl. 1759-1807$4610$31614298 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 42 $zMarca de posse$u$2Marca de posse 856 42 $zEx-libris$u$2Ex-libris 856 42 $zPágina de título$u$2Página de título 930 ## $lBN$mAG$dH.G. 2730-2732 V.$jV. 1-3 930 ## $lBN$mAG$dH.G. 10273-10274 P.$jV. 1-3 930 ## $lBN$mAG$dH.G. 13304-13306 P.$jV. 1-3 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nObra do Séc. XVIII$sH.G. 2730 V. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nObra do Séc. XVIII$sH.G. 2731 V. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nObra do Séc. XVIII$sH.G. 2732 V. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nObra do Séc. XVIII$sH.G. 10273 P. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 10274 P. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 10275 P. 966 ## $lBn$mFGMON$sH.G. 13304 P. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 13305 P. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nObra do Séc. XVIII$sH.G. 13306 P. 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCI353-14
Etiqueta de registo: 00808cam 2200253 450 001 457991 003 005 19990101000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)457991 095 ## $aPTBN00660456 100 ## $a19940920g17871788k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aGB 200 1# $a?A ?defence of the constitutions of gouvernment of the United States of America 210 #9 $aLondon$cC. Dilly,$d1787-1788 215 ## $a3 v. 620 ## $aLondres 700 #1 $aAdams,$bJohn,$f1735-1826$3146157 702 #1 $aDilly,$bCharles,$ffl. 1759-1807$4610$31614298 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 930 ## $lBN$mAG$dS.C. 866-68 V. 966 ## $d 1º v.$e $f $lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 866 V. 966 ## $d 2º v.$e $f $lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 867 V. 966 ## $d 3º v.$e $f $lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 868 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01075nam 22002531i 450 001 1240075 003 035 ## $a(bn)1240075 100 ## $a20020702d1778 m y0pory010305 ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aGB 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aHistory of the origin of medecine$ean oration, delivered at the anniversary meeting of the Medical Society of London,
January 19, 1778, and printed at their request. To which are since added, various
historical illustrations$fby John Coakley Lettsom, M. D. Member of the Royal College of Physicians 210 #9 $aLondon$cprinted by J. Phillips, for E. and C. Dilly,$d1778 215 ## $aVIII, 168 p., [1] grav. desdobr.$d4º (27 cm) 321 1# $a 620 ## $dLondres 700 #1 $aLettsom,$bJohn Coakley,$f1744-1815$32355708 702 #1 $aPhillips,$bJames,$ffl. 1775-1776$4610$32368939 702 #1 $aDilly,$bEdward,$ffl. 17---1779$4650$31627213 702 #1 $aDilly,$bCharles,$ffl. 1759-1807$4650$31614298 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 801 #1 $aFR$bJOUVE 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sS.A. 7094 P.$x0 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00782nam 22002291i 450 001 1240076 003 035 ## $a(bn)1240076 100 ## $a20020702d1774 m y0pory010305 ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aGB 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aMedical memoirs of the General Dispensary in London, for part of the years 1773 and
1774$fby John Coakley Lettsom... 210 #9 $aLondon$cprinted for Edward and Charles Dilly,$d1774 215 ## $aXXX, [2], 362, [14] p.$d8º (22 cm) 620 ## $dLondres 700 #1 $aLettsom,$bJohn Coakley,$f1744-1815$32355708 702 #1 $aDilly,$bEdward,$ffl. 17---1779$4650$31627213 702 #1 $aDilly,$bCharles,$ffl. 1759-1807$4650$31614298 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 801 #1 $aFR$bJOUVE 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sS.A. 7095 P.$x0 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01125nam 22002411i 450 001 1239346 003 035 ## $a(bn)1239346 100 ## $a20020702f1785____m y0pory010305 ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aGB 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?A ?treatise on the management of pregnant and lying-in women, and the means of curing,
but more especially of preventing the principal disorders to which they are liable$etogether with some new directions concerning the delivery of the child and placenta
in natural births$eillustred with cases$ethe third edition, revised and enlarged$fby Charles White... 210 #9 $aLondon$cprinted for Charles Dilly...,$d1785 215 ## $aXIX, [1 br.], 475 p., [2] f. grav. desdobr.$cil.$e8º (21 cm) 321 1# $aBritish Library$u 321 1# $aBibliothèque nationale de France$u 620 ## $dLondon 700 #1 $aWhite,$bCharles,$f1728-1813$32171444 702 #1 $aDilly,$bCharles,$ffl. 1759-1807$4160$31614298 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 801 #1 $aFR$bJOUVE$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sS.A. 8402 P.$x0 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00684cam 2200193 450 001 1970662 003 005 20030504032300.0 035 ## $262758 095 ## $aPTBN00273333 100 ## $a19890301d1988 k a0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aGestão do consumo de energia$eregulamento de gestão do consumo de energia dec.lei no. 58/82$fJosé Luís S. Lima 210 ## $aLisboa$cDirecção-Geral de Energia$f1988 215 ## $a36 f. 675 ## $a620.9$vmed$zpor$3291486 700 #1 $aLima,$bJosé Luis S.$3441510 712 00 $aEncontro Sobre Financiamento Por Terceiros no Ámbito da Energia,$eLisboa,$f1988$3441505 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1620.9 LIM Ges$2coop$4ESTGFR$6mq418147$7bc$8coop$9ESTGFR$b54/89$k0
Etiqueta de registo: 00706nas 2200241 450 001 2195751 003 005 20081118114451.0 021 ## $aPT$b45461/91 035 ## $aCMPEN_BC_151.iso/08-07-2009/14815 100 ## $a19980424b19952007m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aTal & Qual$fdir. João Ferreira 207 #0 $aN.767 (3 a 9 Mar. 1995)- N.1423 (28 Set. 2007) 210 ## $aPorto$c[s.n.]$d1995 215 ## $d40 cm 300 ## $aAnos completos desde 2006 303 ## $aN.767 (3 a 9 Mar. 1995)- N.1423 (28 Set. 2007) 326 ## $aSemanal 532 12 $aTal e Qual$zpor 675 ## $a070$v2$zpor 702 #1 $aFerreira$bJoão$4300 801 #0 $aPT$bCMPEN$gRPC
Etiqueta de registo: 00678cam 022002291 04500 001 1936543 003 005 20030521230000.0 035 ## $536185 095 ## $aPTBN00739259 100 ## $a19950526f19501960km y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $apor$ceng 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a<O >terceiro homem$fGraham Greene$gtrad. de Baptista de Carvalho 210 ## $aLisboa$cLivros do Brasil,$d[1955?] 215 ## $a182 p.$d16 cm 225 2# $aMiniatura$v6 304 ## $aTit. orig. : The third man 675 ## $a820 Greene, G. 7 Third .03 690$31517147 675 ## $a820-31$3327565 700 #1 $aGreene,$bGraham,$f1904-1991$336624 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1820 GRE/G THI$2coop$4UCJPII$6mq859135$7bc$8coop$9UCJPII$k0 998 ## $aJP65-495
Etiqueta de registo: 00716nam 2200241 450 001 2200127 003 010 ## $a978-972-44-1516-1 035 ## $a(bn)1719594 100 ## $a20090722d2007 m y0pory01030103ba 101 1# $apor$ceng 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aCiência e religião$ecientistas, teólogos e filósofos debatem descobertas científicas e crença religiosa$fRussell Stannard 210 #9 $aLisboa$cEdições 70,$d2009 211 ## $a200908 215 ## $ap. 225 2# $aExtra-colecção$v76 304 ## $aTít. orig.: Science and wonders 675 ## $a001$vBN$zpor$3919296 675 ## $a2$vBN$zpor$3288537 700 #1 $aStannard,$bRussell$343868 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sCIP 386/2009$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sCIP 386/2009$x1