Registos Bibliográficos associados ao registo de autoridade |
Etiqueta de registo: 00935cam 02200289 04500 001 1068731 003 005 20011219154200.0 010 ## $a97222-2005-5 021 ## $aPT$b153678/00 035 ## $a(bn)1068731 100 ## $a20011011d2000 m y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $apor$ceng 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aE-mail$eguia verbo do correio electrónico$fMark Vallce, Philippa Wingate$gtrad. Francisco Silva Pereira 210 #9 $aLisboa$cVerbo,$dD.L. 2000 215 ## $a48 p.$cil.$d26 cm 225 2# $aGuias verbo de informática 304 ## $aTít. orig.: The usborne guide to e-mail 606 ## $aCorreio electrónico$x[Manuais]$2SIPOR$31007133 675 ## $a004.773(076)$vBN$zpor$31007130 700 #1 $aWallace,$bMark$3619142 701 #1 $aWingate,$bPhilippa$4070$3158623 702 #1 $aPereira,$bFrancisco Silva$4730$3939581 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$sInform. X6 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sP. 16626 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sP. 16626 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$sJ 004 WAL 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s0b 000386$x1 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s5-57-23-13 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 01024nam 2200325 450 001 1382567 003 010 ## $a972-33-2144-0 021 ## $aPT$b228356/05 035 ## $a(bn)1382567 100 ## $a20061011d2005 a y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $apor$ceng 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?As ?melhores amigas$fNessa Williams, Philippa Wingate$gil. Paul Middlewick, Paul Ferreira$gtrad. Raquel Mouta 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cEstampa,$d2005 215 ## $a96 p.$cil.$d18 cm 304 ## $aTít. orig.: Best friens 675 ## $a087.5$vBN$zpor$3287999 675 ## $a159.922(0.053.6)$vBN$zpor$31270909 700 #1 $aWilliams,$bNessa$31259738 701 #1 $aWingate,$bPhilippa$4070$3158623 702 #1 $aMiddlewick,$bPaul$4440$31258919 702 #1 $aFerreira,$bPaul$4440$31259741 702 #1 $aMouta,$bRaquel$4730$31009112 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 900 ## $aBIBNAC$d20130602 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pRolo e Filhos$sP. 14377 P.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pRolo e Filhos$sP. 14377 P.-D $x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s1a 001697$x1 966 ## $lBPRMAD$mBPRMAD$nNB$sPSI159.922-W-
Etiqueta de registo: 01006cam 2200337 450 001 477021 003 005 19990101000000.0 010 ## $a972-23-1820-9 021 ## $aPT$b73944/94 035 ## $a(bn)477021 095 ## $aPTBN00679778 100 ## $a19941230d1994 k y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $apor$ceng 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aGuia essencial de física$fPhilippa Wingate$gtrad. Maria Teresa Escoval$gil. Sean Wilkinson, Robert Walster 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 ## $aLisboa$cPresença,$d1994 215 ## $a125 p.$cil.$d21 cm 225 2# $aGuias essenciais$v1 304 ## $aTít. orig.: Essencial Physics 675 ## $a53:372.853$vBN$zpor$3288053 700 #1 $aWingate,$bPhilippa$3158623 702 #1 $aWalster,$bRobert$4440$3159887 702 #1 $aWilkinson,$bSean$4440$3159885 702 #1 $aEscoval,$bMaria Teresa Rio$4730$345216 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sS.A. 77619 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sS.A. 77619 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sE5-5-53[1] 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-62-19-65
Etiqueta de registo: 00909cam 02200301 04500 001 879607 003 005 19990713094800.0 010 ## $a972-21-1176-0 021 ## $aPT$b120686/98 035 ## $a(bn)879607 100 ## $a19990420d1998 de y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $apor$ceng 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aMulheres famosas$fRichard Dungworth, Philippa Wingate$gil. Nicholas Hewetson$gtrad. Paulo Moreira 210 #9 $aLisboa$cCaminho,$dimp. 1998 215 ## $a48 p. a 3 colns$cil.$d26 cm 225 2# $aCaminho 304 ## $aTít. orig.: Famous women 675 ## $a087.5$vBN$zpor$3287999 700 #1 $aDungworth,$bRichard$3278217 701 #1 $aWingate,$bPhilippa$4070$3158623 702 #1 $aHewetson,$bNicholas$4440$3813511 702 #1 $aMoreira,$bPaulo$4730$3813512 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sP. 13945 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sP. 13945 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sQ6-3-99[4] $x1 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$s929 A/Z DUN 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$sI929:930 CAM4 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-10-29-11 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 01111cam 02200337 04500 001 911074 003 005 19990913151700.0 010 ## $a972-22-1858-1 021 ## $aPT$b117266/97 035 ## $a(bn)911074 095 ## $aPTBN01037686 100 ## $a19990212d1997 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aProjectos em Windows para principiantes$fPhilippa Wingate$gil. Derek Matthews, Jonathan Satchell, Nick Baxter$gtrad. Óscar A. Gomes Ferreira 210 #9 $aLisboa$cVerbo,$dD.L. 1997 215 ## $a48 p.$cil.$d26 cm 225 2# $aGuias verbo de informática 606 ## $aWindows (Programas de computador)$x?[?Publicações juvenis]$2SIPOR$32626894 675 ## $a087.5$vBN$zpor$3287999 675 ## $a004.45Windows$vBN$zpor$3897615 700 #1 $aWingate,$bPhilippa$3158623 702 #1 $aBaxter,$bNick$4440$3829067 702 #1 $aMatthews,$bDerek$4440$3829068 702 #1 $aSatchell,$bJonatham$4440$3829069 702 #1 $aFerreira,$bÓscar A. Gomes$4730$3357514 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sP. 14042 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sP. 14042 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$s004.45 WIN/PRO 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sR6-4-122(4) $x1 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-49-13-48
Etiqueta de registo: 00961cam 02200313 04500 001 911072 003 005 19990913155600.0 010 ## $a972-22-1873-5 021 ## $aPT$b121547/98 035 ## $a(bn)911072 095 ## $aPTBN01037684 100 ## $a19990212d1998 m y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aInternet para principiantes$fPhilippa Wingate$gil. Andy Griffin$gtrad. Oscar A. Gomes Ferreira 210 #9 $aLisboa$cVerbo,$dD.L. 1998 215 ## $a48 p.$cil.$d25 cm 225 2# $aGuias verbo de informática 606 ## $aInternet$x[Publicações juvenis]$2SIPOR$3268684 675 ## $a087.5$vBN$zpor$3287999 675 ## $a004.73Internet$vBN$zpor$3897606 700 #1 $aWingate,$bPhilippa$3158623 702 #1 $aGriffin,$bAndy$4440$3829066 702 #1 $aFerreira,$bÓscar A. Gomes$4730$3357514 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sP. 14043 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sP. 14043 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$s004.73 WIN/INT 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sR6-4-122(5) $x1 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$s004.73 WIN 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s681.3INT BR,L 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$sI681.3 WI,P 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-49-13-47 966 ## $lUCMA$mUCMA$s68M/WIN