Registos Bibliográficos associados ao registo de autoridade |
Etiqueta de registo: 03545cam 2200361 450 001 1052984 003 005 20010416152400.0 035 ## $a(bn)1052984 100 ## $a20010416d1763 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aGB 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aLetters concerning the spanish nation$ewritten at Madrid during the years 1760 and 1761$fBy the Rev. Edward Clarke, M. A. 210 #9 $aLondon$cprinted for T. Becket and P. A. De Hondt, at Tully's head in the Strand,$d1763 215 ## $a[8], XLIX, 354 p.$d4º (19 cm) 305 ## $aPequena vinheta na p. de tít. 307 ## $aNa p. [3] brasão de armas do Visconde de Midleton 317 ## $aPert.: António Alberto Marinho Duarte de Sousa$5PTBN: D.S. XVIII - 332 321 1# $aNUC NC 0460538 321 1# $aDuarte de Sousa 1, 333 321 1# $aPalau 3, 509 (nº 55297) 321 1# $aUniversity of London Library (HPB) 327 1# $aHistorical Introduction. - P. [ix]-xlix$aI. Journey from London to Madrid. - P. [1]-8$aII. The State of Religion in Spain. - P. [9]-25$aIII. Of the Government of Spain, the Cortes of Parliament, its laws, Tribunalis, Courts
of Judiciature, & c. - P. 25-40$aIII, pt. II. Councils, Halls, and Tribunals. - P. 41-54$aIV, pt. II. State of Physic, poetry, &c. - P. 55-65$aIV, Pt. III. Catalogue of Spanish Authors. - P. 66-90$aV. State of Measures and Weights. - P. 97-101$aVI. View of the Stage. - P. 102-106$aVII. Pt. I Description of the Bull-Feast, exhibited in the Plaça Mayor at Madrid,
upon occasion of his Catholic Majesty's Public entry into his capital, on July 15,
1760. - P. [107]-115$aVII. Pt. II. Burial, Grandees, King's Public Entry. - P. [116]-129$aVIII. Description of the Convent of St. Laurence, commonly called the Escurial. -
P. [130]-154$aVIII. Pt. II. Catalogus Manuscriptorum Librorum in Bibliothecâ Scorialensi Coenobii
Sancti Laurentii in Hispaniâ. - P. [155]-172$aIX. Description of the City of Toledo. - P. [173]-178$aX. Description of the City of Segovia. - P. [179]-204$aXI. Some account of the Antiquities at Corduba, Seville, Cadiz, Granada, Saguntum,
Tarragona, and Barcelona. - P. [205]-210$aXII. A List of the Land Forces of his most Catholic Majesty, Charles III. King of
Spain, in the year 1760. - P. [211]-250$aXIII. A short view of the Commerce and Manufactures of Spain, so far as they relate
to Great Britain. - P. 251-265$aXIV. An Account of the Spanish Money. - P. 266-282$aXV. The State of Agriculture. - P. 282-291$aXVI. To the Reverend Dr. Kennicott, &c. &c. - P. 292-298$aXVII. An Epistle to Charles Christopher Pluer, chargé des affaires from de Court of
Denmark to that of Madrid, written originally in Latin by Don Gregory Mayans, and
containing the present State of the Hebrew and Arabic learning in Spain. - P. [299]-311$aXVIII. An Epistle written by Don Gregorio Mayans, to the late Sir Benjamin Keene...
- P. 312-321$aXIX. Of the Royal Family and Court of Spain... - P. 322-345$aXX. Journey from Madrid to Lisbon, December the 17th, 1762. - P. 346-354 517 1# $aLetters concerning the spanish nation 620 ## $dLondres 700 #1 $aClarke,$bEdward,$f1730-1786$3987127 702 #1 $aBecket,$bT.,$f17- -$4160$31217538 702 #1 $aDe Hondt,$bPeter Abraham,$f17- -$4160$3987134 702 #1 $aSousa,$bAntónio Alberto Marinho Duarte de,$f1896-1950$4390$3933589 712 02 $aLivraria Férin$4110$3231594 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$nEnc. em chagrin vermelho e negro com brasões e ferros dourados$pLivraria Duarte de Sousa$sD.S. XVIII - 332 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sBI 1849 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00820cam 22002171 450 001 1845173 003 005 20030607131100.0 010 ## $a88-85822-04-5 035 ## $784856 095 ## $aPTBN00572610 100 ## $a19940321d1986 km y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aita 102 ## $aIT 200 1# $aK<'>asaki vank<'>er, hauhannavauk, Sagmosavank$ftesti [di] Alexandr L. Lakobsen, Varo Ghafadarian, Giovanni Curatola, documentazioni
fotografica [di] Adriano Alpago-Novello...[] 210 ## $aMilano$cOEME,$d1986 215 ## $a73 p.$cil., fotos ,$d27 cm 225 2# $aDocumenti di architecttura armena$d= Documents of armenian architecture$v15 300 ## $aTexto em italiano, inglês e arménio 675 ## $a726(479.25)$31436079 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1726(479) DAA-15$2coop$4UCJPII$6mq1236180$7bc$8coop$9UCJPII$b88-626$k0 998 ## $aUCJ44-763
Etiqueta de registo: 00579cam 22002051 450 001 1845166 003 005 20030531022400.0 035 ## $646587 095 ## $aPTBN00858303 100 ## $a19920820d1962 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $ager 102 ## $aSE 200 1# $aUndersökningar över Oresund 210 ## $aLund$cC.W.K. Gleerup,$d1962 215 ## $a98 p.$cil 305 ## $aSep. de: Lunds Universitets Arsskrift; vol. 58, nº 9 675 ## $a595.1$vBN$zpor$3320273 700 #1 $aEliason,$bAnders$3655188 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1BL-41$2coop$4UAVSD$6mq1042530$7bc$8coop$9UAVSD$b9888$k0 998 ## $aUAV55-709
Etiqueta de registo: 00688cam 22002051 450 001 1845148 003 005 20030531022500.0 035 ## $646596 095 ## $aPTBN00858312 100 ## $a19920820d1976 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aeng 200 1# $aClose association between plastids and endoplasmic reticulum cisterns during pollen
grain development in Lycopersicum peruvianum 210 ## $a[S.l.]$cAcademic Press,$d1976 215 ## $aP. 260-265$cil 305 ## $aSep. de: Journal of Ultrastructure Research; vol. 57 675 ## $a581.1$vBN$zpor$3291235 700 #1 $aPacini,$bE.$3652540 701 #1 $aCresti,$bM.$4070$31463657 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1BL-23$2coop$4UAVSD$6mq1042540$7bc$8coop$9UAVSD$b21609$k0 998 ## $aUAV55-720
Etiqueta de registo: 00561cam 22002051i 450 001 1772875 003 005 20030531231600.0 035 ## $693220 095 ## $aPTBN00906830 100 ## $a19970519d1961 km y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $afre 102 ## $aFR 200 1# $aPsychiatrie et religion$fÉtienne de Greeff 210 ## $aParis$cFayard,$d1961 215 ## $a120 p. ,$d20 cm 225 2# $aJe Sais-Je Crois$v92 675 ## $a159.97:2$31422964 700 #1 $aDe Greeff,$bÉtienne$31422965 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $12(082) E1K-92$2coop$4UCJPII$6mq1103817$7bc$8coop$9UCJPII$b69-241$k0 998 ## $aJP91-65
Etiqueta de registo: 01441nam 2200301 450 001 1373347 003 035 ## $a(bn)1373347 100 ## $a20060619d1826 km y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $afre 102 ## $aFR 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aExcursions dans les isles de Madère et de Porto-Santo, faites dans l'Automne de 1823,
pendant son troisième Voyage en Afrique$fpar feu T. E. Bowdich, Écuyer, chef de l'ambassade anglaise au pays d'ashantie...$gpar Bowdich ouvrage traduit de l'anglais et accompagné de notes de M. le Baron
Cuvier et de M. le Baron de Humboldt 210 #9 $aParis$cchez F. G. Levrault,$d1826 215 ## $a447 p. e 1 atlas com 57 gravuras$d21 cm 317 ## $aPert.: António Alberto Marinho Duarte de Sousa$5PTBN: D.S. XIX - 327 321 1# $aNUC NB 0707294 321 1# $aDuarte de Sousa 2, 96 321 1# $aBavarian State Library (Bayerische Staatsbibliothek, München) (HPB) 321 1# $aInstitute for Union Catalogue of Italian Bibliographies (Istituto Centrale per il
Catalogo Unico, Roma) (HPB) 620 ## $dParis 700 #1 $aBowdich,$bThomas Edward,$f1791-1824$3459881 702 #1 $aSousa,$bAntónio Alberto Marinho Duarte de,$f1896-1950$4390$3933589 712 02 $aLivraria Férin$4110$3231594 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$pLivraria Duarte de Sousa$sD.S. XIX - 327 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$sRES. 2963 V. 966 ## $dAtlas$lBN$mRESIMP$sRES. 2964 V.
Etiqueta de registo: 01991cam 2200433 450 001 590757 003 005 20010419163400.0 035 ## $a(bn)590757 095 ## $aPTBN00800052 100 ## $a19940227d1799 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aGB 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aTravels through several provinces of Spain and Portugal, &c.$fBy Richard Croker 210 #9 $aLondon$cprinted for the author R. Croker$cand sold by J. Robson, Bond Street, T. Payne, Mews Gate [et al.],$d1799 215 ## $aviii, 316 p.$d8º (23 cm) 316 ## $aTem junto carta manuscrita, datada de 22 de Janeiro de 1802 e assinada pelo autor$5PTBN: D.S. XVIII - 525 317 ## $aPert.: António Alberto Marinho Duarte de Sousa$5PTBN: D.S. XVIII - 525 -526 321 1# $aNUC NC 079040 321 1# $aYale University Library(HPB) 321 1# $aDuarte de Sousa 1, 349 517 1# $aTravels through several provinces of Spain and Portugal, &c. 620 ## $dLondres 700 #1 $aCroker,$bRichard,$ffl. 1799$31646708 702 #1 $aPayne,$bT.,$ffl. 1730-1790$4160$31613997 702 #1 $aSousa,$bAntónio Alberto Marinho Duarte de,$f1896-1950$4390$3933589 702 #1 $aRobson,$bJ.,$f17--$4160$3869886 702 #1 $aCroker,$bRichard,$ffl. 1799$4650$31646708 712 02 $aLivraria Férin$4110$3231594 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 40 $u 856 41 $u 856 49 $u$qapplication/pdf 958 ## $aBND$bLivre$cDigitalizado$d1$e 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 22753 V.$x0 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$nTem junto uma carta mss. - Enc. em carneira com brasões e ferros dourados$pLivraria Duarte de Sousa$sD.S. XVIII - 525 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$nEnc. por Livraria Ferin; Enc. em carneira com brasões e ferros dourados$pLivraria Duarte de Sousa$sD.S. XVIII - 526 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sBC 4817 966 ## $lUNLEAP$mUNLEAP$sV 39 995 ## $aPCulture $d20101108$zBND$d20120504$imsantos 998 ## $aUNL1-265
Etiqueta de registo: 01059ckm 2200301 450 001 617836 003 005 20000112121600.0 035 ## $a(bn)617836 095 ## $aPTBN00829126 100 ## $a19961010d1995 am y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aExposição de modelismo$bVisual gráfico]$eII Guerra Mundial$fLivraria Férin, AML, IBL 210 #9 $aLisboa$cL.F.$cAML$cIBL,$d1995 215 ## $a1 cartaz$ccolor.$d60x50 cm 532 12 $aSegunda guerra mundial 675 ## $a94(100)"1939/1945"(084.5)$vBN$zpor$3309886 675 ## $a061.4(469.411.16)"1995"(084.5)$vBN$zpor$3618237 675 ## $a766(=1:469)"199"(084.5)$vBN$zpor$31285670 675 ## $a689(084.5)$vBN$zpor$3432815 710 02 $aLivraria Férin$3231594 711 01 $aPortugal.$bInstituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro$4070$37 711 02 $aAssociação de Modelismo de Lisboa$4070$3212892 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 40 $u 856 41 $u 958 ## $aBND$bInterno$cDigitalizado 966 ## $lBN$mICONOG$sCT. 7983 A.$x3
Etiqueta de registo: 02322cam 2200493 450 001 393319 003 005 19981230000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)393319 095 ## $aPTBN00421061 100 ## $a19930215d1733 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $afre 102 ## $aFR 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aHistoire des découvertes et conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde$eavec des figures en taille-douce$fpar le R. P. Joseph François Lafitau de la Compagnie de Jesus 210 #9 $aParis$cchez Saugrain Pere, Quai des Augustins, au coin de la rue Pavée, à la Fleur de Lis$cJean Baptiste Coignard Fils, Imprimeur du Roi,$d1733 215 ## $a2 vol.$cil, desdobr.$d4º (26 cm) 307 ## $aO frontispício do vol. 1 representa a cidade de Lisboa e a frota da India 307 ## $aCapitais e vinhetas ornamentais 316 ## $aEncadernação em chagrin, com brasões e ferros dourados$5D.S. XVIII - 117 - 118 317 ## $aPert.: António Alberto Marinho Duarte de Sousa$5D.S. XVIII - 117 - 118 321 1# $aNUC NL 25396 321 1# $aBN Paris 85 953 321 1# $aIstituto Centrale per Il Catalogo Unico, Roma (HPB) 321 1# $aDuarte de Sousa 1, 456 327 1# $aVol. 1: [6], XXIV, 616, [48] p$aVol. 2: [2], 693, [89] p. 517 1# $aHistoire des découvertes et conquestes des Portugais dans le Nouveau Monde 620 ## $dParis 700 #1 $aLafitau,$bJoseph François,$f1681-1746,$cS.J.$384477 702 #1 $aCoignard,$bJean Baptiste,$f17--$4610$31201779 702 #1 $aScotin,$bJean Baptiste,$f1678-?$4350$3439229 702 #1 $aSaugrain,$bClaude Marin,$f1679 -1750$4160$31194372 702 #1 $aSousa,$bAntónio Alberto Marinho Duarte de,$f1896-1950$4390$3933589 712 02 $aLivraria Férin$4110$3231594 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 40 $2Cópia Digital disponível em:$u 856 40 $2Cópia Digital disponível em:$u 966 ## $dT. 1$lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 4351 A. 966 ## $dT. 2$lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 4352 A. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 8579 P. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 8580 P. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 12991 V. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 12992 V. 966 ## $dVol. 1$lBN$mRESIMP$sD.S. XVIII - 117 966 ## $dVol. 2$lBN$mRESIMP$sD.S. XVIII - 118 966 ## $lEXRCTB$mEXRCTB$s7561
Etiqueta de registo: 02388cam 2200505 450 001 466067 003 005 20010810160900.0 035 ## $a(bn)466067 095 ## $aPTBN00668615 100 ## $a19941103d1652 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aspa 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aPerfidia de Alemania, y de Castilla, en la prision, entrega, accusacion, y processo,
del Serenissimo Infante de Portugal Dom Duarte$efidelidad de los portugueses, en la acclamacion de su legitimo Rey, el muy alto, y
muy poderoso Don Juan, Quarto...$erespondese a lo que errada, fatua, y escandalosamente quiso escrivir Don Nicolàs Fernandes
de Castro, Senador de Milan...$fel Doctor Francisco Velasco de Gouvea... 210 #9 $aEn Lisboa$cen la Emprenta Craesbeekiana,$d1652 215 ## $a[24], 390, [56] p.$d2º (22 cm) 307 ## $aTexto a duas coln. 307 ## $aF. de rosto impressa a preto e vermelho 307 ## $aAssin.: [ ]//2, ¶//6, ¶¶//4, A-Z//6, AA-II//6, KK//4, ¶//2, a-d//6, c//2 321 1# $aBarbosa Machado 2, 278 321 1# $aInocêncio 3, 78; 18, 205 321 1# $aPinto de Matos 347 321 1# $aFonseca, M. Restauração 71 321 1# $aGarcia Perez 557, 599 321 1# $aBN Lisboa. Restauração 1573 321 1# $aSoares, E., Dic. iconogr. 2, 199 321 1# $aCondessa de Azambuja 2651 321 1# $aMonteverde 5511 321 1# $aAvila Perez 6, 7619 321 1# $aArouca G 125 321 1# $aIberian Books C22350 [119369] 620 ## $dLisboa 700 #1 $aGouveia,$bFrancisco Velasco de,$f1580-1659$3151816 702 #1 $aSousa,$bAntónio Alberto Marinho Duarte de,$f1896-1950$4390$3933589 712 02 $aOficina Craesbeeckiana$4610$371006 712 02 $aLivraria Férin$4110$3231594 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 856 40 $2Cópia digital disponível em Google Books$u
v=onepage&q&f=false 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nObra em Muito Mau Estado, toda rendilhada$sH.G. 3073 A. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 25819 V.$x0 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sH.G. 36502 V.$x0 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 28148 V. 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$nEnc. a negro e vermelho com brasões e ferros dourados; enc. por "Livraria Ferin. Ldª,
Lisboa"$pLivraria Duarte de Sousa$sD.S. XVII - 80 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$sRES. 1191//2 V. 966 ## $lEXRCTB$mEXRCTB$s2150-16-2 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$nManchas de humidade. - Pert.: "Francisco Antonio Marques Giraldes de Andrade". - Enc.
em pele com lombada grav. a ferros dourados$sR-47-17 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$nA ultima f., em branco. - Aparado. - Manchas de humidade. - Pert.: Visconde da Trindade.
- Enc. em pele marmoreada com o super-libros do Visconde da Trindade grav. a ferros
dourados em ambas as pastas$sV.T.-16-5-11 UCBG
Etiqueta de registo: 01395cam 2200313 450 001 1009787 003 005 20000412105700.0 035 ## $a(bn)1009787 100 ## $a20000111f1639 kkky0pory0103 ba 101 0# $alat 102 ## $aBE 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aPhilippvs prvdens Caroli V. Imp. Filivs Lvsitaniae Algarbiae Indiae, Brasiliae legitimvs
rex demonstratvs$fA D. Ioanne Caramuel Lobkowitz religioso dunensi Ord. Cister... 210 ## $aAntuerpiae$cEx officina Plantiniana$cBalthasaris Moreti$d1639 215 ## $a[32], 430, [26] p.$d4º (23 cm) 307 ## $aContém gravuras dos reis de Portugal 321 1# $aPalau, II, 51 321 1# $aNUC 0125311 620 ## $dAntuérpia 700 #1 $aCaramuel Lobkowitz,$bJuan,$f1606-1682,$cO. Cist.$3589493 702 #1 $aMoretus,$bBalthasar,$cI,$ffl. 1610-1641$4610$32059229 702 #1 $aPestana,$bJosé Caetano de Vasco,$cFrei$4390$3919278 702 #1 $aAraújo,$bCristovão$4390$3919284 702 #1 $aSousa,$bAntónio Alberto Marinho Duarte de,$f1896-1950$4390$3933589 712 02 $aLivraria Férin$4110$3231594 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$nPert.: "De Fr. Joze Caetano de Vas[co] Pestana; ""De Don Cristoval de Araújo"; "Fr.
Dom.º". . Enc. em chagrin negra e vermelha com brasões e ferros dourados; Enc. por
Ferin Ldª Lisboa$pLivraria Duarte de Sousa$sD.S. XVII - 55 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00480nam 22001931i 450 001 1260409 003 035 ## $a(bn)1260409 100 ## $a20020606f18001899m y0pory010305 ba 101 0# $afre 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aCatalogue$fFerin 210 #9 $aLisboa$c[s.n.$d18--] 215 ## $a1 v.$d22 cm 300 ## $aB.p.p. 426 V 711 02 $aLivraria Férin$3231594 801 #0 $aPT$bBN 801 #1 $aFR$bJOUVE 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB. 1371//4 P. $x0 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00648nam 2200169 450 001 2129258 003 035 ## $aMTPJB_BC_128.iso/18-03-2009/4400 100 ## $a19850228d19451950k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $afre 102 ## $aFR 200 1# $aFormulaire technique du préhistorien$ece qu´il faut savoir sur la géologie et la biogéographie du quaternaire, l´archéologie
et l´anthropologie préhistoriques$fRaymond Furon 210 ## $aParis$cPaul Lechevalier$d1945 215 ## $a122 p.$cil.$d19 cm 300 ## $aEx-Libris de D. Fernando de Almeida 675 ## $a903$v2$zpor 700 #1 $aFuron$bRaymond 801 #0 $aPT$bMTPJB$gRPC