Registos Bibliográficos associados ao registo de autoridade |
Etiqueta de registo: 00803cas 02200229 04500 001 2263 003 005 20021205145400.0 035 ## $a(bn)2263 095 ## $aPTBN00002319 100 ## $a19880301a19799999m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aForum$erevista de cinema e cultura$fForum Cooperativa para a Produção, Distribuição e Exibição de Filmes$gdir. Luís Francisco Rebelo 207 #0 $aA. 1, nº 1 (Mar. 1979)- 210 #9 $aLisboa$cF.C.P.D.E.F.,$d1979- 215 ## $d28 cm 675 ## $a791.43/.45$vmed$zpor$3288420 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4300$31667269 712 02 $aForum Cooperativa para a Produção, Distribuição e Exibição de Filmes$4650$3288520 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGREV$sP.P. 15299 V. 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sP-B-558 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$nExistencia: a.1, n.1-3 (1979)$s10-27 B-27-34 998 ## $aFSE04 - 00604
Etiqueta de registo: 00720cam 02200241 04500 001 3433 003 005 19981110184900.0 035 ## $a(bn)3433 095 ## $aPTBN00003519 100 ## $a19791201d1979 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?O ?teatro simbolista e modernista$e1890-1939$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cInst. de Cultura Portuguesa,$d1979 215 ## $a134, [1] p.$d20 cm 225 2# $aBiblioteca breve$v40.$iLiteratura 675 ## $a890.0$vmed$zpor$3288890 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 73268 P. 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sA7-5-3[40] $x1 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$s792 REB 966 ## $lCMOPA$mCMOPA$s890-O-12496 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s869.0-2(091) RE,L(1) 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s869.0-4 BB40 966 ## $lCMVRB$mCMVRB$s82-23 Reb (FG) 966 ## $lESES$mESES$s869.0-2 REB-TEA 966 ## $lESEV$mESEV$s792 REB TEA 966 ## $lIICT$mIICT 966 ## $lIICT$mIICT$sCACSL-3402 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s0(082) C2F-40 966 ## $c3$lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s0(082) C2F-40 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869-2"18/19" REB 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869-2"18/19" REB 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869-2"18/19" REB 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869-2"18/19" REB 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLTPC 172 P-LP 966 ## $lULSD$mULSD$s869.0 RBL*Ttr 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sLL 2245 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sLL 7570 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aFSE06 - 00354
Etiqueta de registo: 00621cam 02200217 04500 001 9446 003 005 20020524123000.0 035 ## $a(bn)9446 095 ## $aPTBN00009690 100 ## $a19801001d1980 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aVariações sobre o Teatro de Camões$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cCaminho,$d1980 215 ## $a128 p.$d19 cm 675 ## $a821.134.3-31"19"$vmed$zpor$3298396 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s0006873AMO8LIV 966 ## $lAPIT$mAPIT$s8-4 REB 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$sCAM. 1175 P.$x1 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-2-10-50 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sCA-1-119$x1 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aFSE17 - 00368
Etiqueta de registo: 00718cam 02200241 04500 001 11880 003 005 20020524123000.0 035 ## $a(bn)11880 095 ## $aPTBN00012190 100 ## $a19800701d1980 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay---z---000by 200 1# $aQue farei com este livro?$fJosé Saramago$gposfácio de Luís Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cCaminho,$d1980 215 ## $a167 p.$d19 cm 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19/20"$vBN$zpor$31147973 700 #1 $aSaramago,$bJosé,$f1922-2010$310526 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$sCAM. 1171 P. 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-1-7-39 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sCA-1-122$x1 966 ## $lCMOPA$mCMOPA$s869-A 8743 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sBB 438 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aFSE22 - 00440
Etiqueta de registo: 00764cam 2200241 450 001 18120 003 005 19981111152200.0 035 ## $a(bn)18120 095 ## $aPTBN00018550 100 ## $a19850101d1984 m a0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aFígados de tigre$fFrancisco Gomes de Amorim$gpref. Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cImp. Nac.-Casa da Moeda,$dimp. 1984 215 ## $a207, [9] p.$d24 cm 225 2# $aBiblioteca de autores portugueses 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"18"$vBN$zpor$3541046 700 #1 $aAmorim,$bFrancisco Gomes de,$f1827-1891$34465 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s01/1171 966 ## $lACIENL$mACIENL$sAv. C 13154 966 ## $lAPIT$mAPIT$s1 AMO 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 34768 V. 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$s83 AMO 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-1-5-1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sO6-5-6[50] $x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sR2-13-10[31] 966 ## $lBPVNG$mBPVNG$s52156-D 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s869.0-2 AM,F 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s869.0-2 AM,F(R) 966 ## $lCMTDL$mCMTDL$s821.134.3-2 AMO 966 ## $lCMVRB$mCMVRB$s82-2 Amo (FG) 966 ## $lCMVRB$mCMVRB$s82-2 Amo (FG) 966 ## $lCMVRB$mCMVRB$s82-2 Amo (FG) 966 ## $lCMVRB$mCMVRB$s82-2 Amo (FG) 966 ## $lMARBC$mMARBC$s4Za4-41 966 ## $lMTMG$mMTMG$sG 286 966 ## $lUALGB$mUALGB$s821.134.3-2 AMO*Fig CH 966 ## $lUALLC$mUALLC$s821.134.3 AMO 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869 AMO/F FIG 966 ## $lUEBIB$mUEBIB$s821.134.3-2 AMO f 966 ## $lUMSD$mUMSD$sBCEP 869.0 AMORIM 966 ## $lUPLE$mUPLE$nFG$s8/VII/335v 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aFSE41-238
Etiqueta de registo: 00724cam 2200253 450 001 1032914 003 005 20020524123700.0 010 ## $a972-610-085-2 021 ## $aPT$b124665/98 035 ## $a(bn)1032914 100 ## $a20000915d1998 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001by 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?A ?desobediência$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aPorto$cCampo das Letras,$d1998 215 ## $a105, [2] p.$d21 cm 225 2# $aCampo do teatro$v1 675 ## $a821.134.3-31"19"$vBN$zpor$3298396 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 65632 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 65632 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$sF.S. 821.134.3-2 REB/DES 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s8a 000094$x1 966 ## $lBPRMAD$mBPRMAD$nCláudia$sLIT821.134.3-2REB 966 ## $lESES$mESES$s869.0-2 Rebelo, L. F. REB-DES$x0 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-37-26-88 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00850cam 2200265 450 001 1050527 003 005 20010621121800.0 010 ## $a972-8534-84-1 021 ## $aPT$b155783/00 035 ## $a(bn)1050527 100 ## $a20010313d2000 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001zy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aPela cultura$e?a ?experiência de Cascais e outras reflexões$fJosé Jorge Letria$gpref. Luiz Francisco Rebello, Roger Tropéano 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cHugin,$d2000 215 ## $a148, [1] p.$d23 cm 675 ## $a821.134.3-4"19"$vBN$zpor$3288579 700 #1 $aLetria,$bJosé Jorge,$f1951-$326312 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 702 #1 $aTropéano,$bRoger$4080$3993168 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s03/2107 SA 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 69825 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 69825 V.-D $x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$s821.134.3-9 LET/PEL 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s8b 001654$x1 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-31-22-21 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00952cam 2200289 450 001 1057646 003 005 20020308125200.0 010 ## $a972-8645-01-5 021 ## $aPT$b160106/01 035 ## $a(bn)1057646 100 ## $a20010530d2001 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001by 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aTeatro$fCamilo Castelo Branco$gorg. Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cParceria A. M. Pereira,$d2001 215 ## $a199, [1] p.$cil.$d22 cm 327 1# $aContém : Patologia do casamento ; O morgado de Fafe em Lisboa ; O condenado 517 1# $aPatologia do casamento 517 1# $a?O ?morgado de Fafe em Lisboa 517 1# $a?O ?condenado 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"18"$vBN$zpor$3541046 700 #1 $aCastelo Branco,$bCamilo,$f1825-1890$320266 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4220$31667269 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 68598 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 68598 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s8a 004173$x1 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-67-4-35 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00915cam 2200313 450 001 468781 003 005 19990101000000.0 010 ## $a972-27-0704-3 021 ## $aPT$b79099/94 035 ## $a(bn)468781 095 ## $aPTBN00671345 100 ## $a19941122d1994 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001cy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aFragmentos de uma dramaturgia$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cImprensa Nac.-Casa da Moeda,$dimp. 1994 215 ## $a277, [2] p.$d25 cm 225 2# $aTemas portugueses 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19".09(042.3)$vBN$zpor$3562074 675 ## $a821.134.3-2 A/Z "19".09(042.3)$vBN$zpor$3562075 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lAPIT$mAPIT$s8-4 REB 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 50100 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 50100 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sY7-12-20[122] 966 ## $lBPRMAD$mBPRMAD$nSousa$sLIT821.134.3.09REB 966 ## $lCMTDL$mCMTDL 966 ## $lUALLC$mUALLC$s821.134.3 REB 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-12-56-25 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00806cam 2200265 450 001 1063721 003 005 20011122093200.0 010 ## $a972-794-032-3 021 ## $aPT$b163461/01 035 ## $a(bn)1063721 100 ## $a20011025d2001 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001by 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aOditrevnio e outras velhas peças$fDiniz Cayola Ribeiro$gpref. Luiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cHugin,$d2001 215 ## $a148, [3] p.$d22 cm 225 2# $aDramaturgia 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19"$vBN$zpor$31009390 700 #1 $aRibeiro,$bDinis Cayolla,$fca 18- -.$31012450 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s0052763FGA8LIV 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 69386 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 69386 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$s821.134.3-2 RIB/ODI 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s8a 004430$x1 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-67-4-55 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00763cam 2200253 450 001 1068250 003 005 20011129161500.0 010 ## $a972-8334-32-x 021 ## $aPT$b115362/97 035 ## $a(bn)1068250 100 ## $a20011004d2001 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?A ?última crónica da Índia$fPedro Pinheiro$gintrod. Luiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a2ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cEscritor,$d2001 215 ## $a327, [11] p.$d21 cm 675 ## $a821.134.3-94"19"$vBN$zpor$3294335 700 #1 $aPinheiro,$bPedro,$f1939-$3276736 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4070$31667269 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$nSofia$sLIT821.134.3-3PIN 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 69457 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 69457 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$sF.S. 821.134.3-9 PIN/ULT 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s8a 004770$x1 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-37-18-40 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00821cam 2200241 450 001 572088 003 035 ## $a(bn)572088 100 ## $a19990104d1973 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?Os ?autos das barcas$fGil Vicente$gintrod., notas e trad. Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cEuropa-América,$d1973 215 ## $a145, 1 p.$d18 cm 225 2# $aLivros de bolso Europa-América$v55 317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 10498 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"15"$vBN$zpor$3315117 700 #1 $aVicente,$bGil,$fca. 1465-ca. 1536$32612830 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 10498$x3 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 66455 P. 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s869.0-2 VI,G 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869 VIC/G BAR 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869 VIC/G BAR
Etiqueta de registo: 01887cam 2200409 450 001 107400 003 005 19981120110700.0 021 ## $aPT$b6563/84 021 ## $aPT$b7002/85 021 ## $aPT$b10682/85 021 ## $aPT$b17776/87 035 ## $a(bn)107400 095 ## $aPTBN00111594 100 ## $a19880321g19849999m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aObras completas$fBernardo Santareno$gorg., posfácio e notas Luís Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cCaminho,$dimp. 1984- 215 ## $av.$d21 cm 327 0# $a1º v.: A promessa ; O bailarino ; A excomungada ; O lugre ; O crime da Aldeia Velha.
- 370 p. ;$a2º v.: António Marinheiro ; Os anjos e o sangue ; O duelo ; O pecado de João Agonia
; Anunciação. - imp. 1985. - 430 p. ;$a3º v.: O judeu ; O Inferno ; A traição do padre Martinho. - imp. 1986. - 434 p. ;$a4º v.: Português, escritor, 45 anos de idade ; Os marginais e a revolução ; Três quadros
de revista ; O punho ; [Posfácio]. - imp. 1987. - 396 p. 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19"$vBN$zpor$31009390 700 #1 $aSantareno,$bBernardo,$cpseud.$327075 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 930 ## $lULLE$dLP 852/855 V$f1 930 ## $lULLE$dLTP 768/770 V$f2$j2º, 3º e 4º v. 930 ## $j1º, 2º, 3º e 4º v.$lBN$dC.G. 13655 V. 930 ## $lULLE$dLTP 764-65 V-LP$jv. 2 4 930 ## $jv. 1-3$lUMSD$dBCEP 869.0 SANTARENO 966 ## $c2$d 1º v.$e $f $lBN$mFGMON$sC.G. 13655 V.$x1 966 ## $d 2º v.$e $f $lBN$mFGMON$sC.G. 13655 V.$x1 966 ## $d 3º v.$e $f $lBN$mFGMON$sC.G. 13655 V.$x1 966 ## $d 4º v.$e $f $lBN$mFGMON$sC.G. 13655 V.$x1 966 ## $d 4º v.$e $f $lBN$mFGMON$sC.G. 13655 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$sF.S. 821.134.3-2 SAN/OBR - I 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLP 852 V 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLP 853 V 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLP 854 V 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLP 855 V 966 ## $dv. 2$lULLE$mULLE$sLTP 764 V-LP 966 ## $dv. 4$lULLE$mULLE$sLTP 765 V-LP 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLTP 768 V-LP 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLTP 769 LP 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLTP 770 V-LP 966 ## $dv. 3$lUMSD$mUMSD$sBCEP 869.0 SANTARENO 966 ## $dv. 1$lUMSD$mUMSD$sBCEP 869.0 SANTARENO 966 ## $dv. 2$lUMSD$mUMSD$sBCEP 869.0 SANTARENO 966 ## $lUTADBG$mUTADBG$sPortuguês 1608 CE 966 ## $lUTADBG$mUTADBG$sPortuguês 1609 CE 966 ## $lUTADBG$mUTADBG$sPortuguês 1610 CE 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00906cam 2200289 450 001 730966 003 005 20011109161700.0 010 ## $a972-20-1150-2 021 ## $aPT$b69056/93 035 ## $a(bn)730966 095 ## $aPTBN00518182 100 ## $a19931218d1994 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $af z 000ay 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aTodo o amor é amor de perdição$e?o ?processo de Camilo e Ana Plácido$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cDom Quixote$cSoc. Portuguesa de Autores,$d1994 215 ## $a117 p., [4] p. il.$cil.$d22 cm 225 2# $aAutores de língua portuguesa 675 ## $a821.134.3-31"19"$vBN$zpor$3298396 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s0059607FGA8LIV 966 ## $lAPIT$mAPIT$s1 REB 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 49438 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 49438 V.-D $x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$sF.S. 821.134.3-2 REB/TOD 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$s4-21-32-38 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sD7-11-87[3] 966 ## $lCMAR$mCMAR$s821.134.3-2 REB 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$nF. C. G. 11615$s821.134.3-2 REB 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$s821.134.3-2 REB 966 ## $lESAP$mESAP$sG5/95 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-66-11-54 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00980cam 2200277 450 001 1095889 003 010 ## $a972-20-2400-0 021 ## $aPT$b192973/03 035 ## $a(bn)1095889 100 ## $a20021129d2003 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 000by 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aSem flores nem coroas$epeça em três actos$fOrlando da Costa$gcom estudo cenográfico de João Abel Manta$gpref. Luiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cSociedade Portuguesa de Autores$cDom Quixote,$d2003 215 ## $a151, [4] p.$cil.$d21 cm 225 2# $aSociedade Portuguesa de Autores.$iTeatro$v30 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19/20"$vBN$zpor$31147973 700 #1 $aCosta,$bOrlando da,$f1929-2006$353239 702 #1 $aManta,$bJoão Abel,$f1928-$4200$360733 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 900 ## $aBIBNAC$d20130602 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s0054255FGA8LIV 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 77358 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 77358 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s8a 008575$x1 966 ## $lFO$mFO$sPOR 82-2 COS,O. 966 ## $lFO$mFO$sPOR 82-2 COS,O. 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s8-(2)-17-22-14 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00577cam 22002051 450 001 1831034 003 005 20030607204000.0 035 ## $794150 095 ## $aPTBN00582079 100 ## $a19901106d1982 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aGB 200 1# $a<The >metaphysical poets$fed. Helen Gardner 210 ## $aHarmondsworth$cPenguin Books,$d1982 215 ## $a331 p 225 2# $a<The >Penguin poets 675 ## $a820$vBN$zpor$3288122 702 #1 $aGardner,$bHelen,$f1908-1986$4340$3134005 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1LC-28/1-43$2coop$4UAVSD$6mq1248978$7bc$8coop$9UAVSD$b32013$k0 998 ## $aUAV28-212
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Etiqueta de registo: 00901cam 2200277 450 001 1153053 003 010 ## $a972-794-025-0 021 ## $aPT$b179520/02 035 ## $a(bn)1153053 100 ## $a20030317d2002 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?As ?páginas arrancadas.$aÉ urgente o amor$enova versão$fLuiz Francisco Rebello$gpref. Mário Cláudio$gcapa e um des. Francisco Simões 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cHugin,$d2002 215 ## $a201, [3] p.$cil.$d22 cm 225 2# $aDramaturgia 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19"$vBN$zpor$31009390 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 702 #1 $aCláudio,$bMário,$cpseud.$4080$323924 702 #1 $aSimões,$bFrancisco,$f1946-$4440$310913 900 ## $aBIBNAC$d20130602 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$nCatarina$sLIT821.134.3-2REB 966 ## $lAPIT$mAPIT$s1 REB 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 76377 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 76377 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$s821.134.3-2 REB/PAG 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s8a 007840$x1 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s8-(2)-18-2-3 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00867cam 2200265 450 001 1155698 003 010 ## $a972-27-1217-9 021 ## $aPT$b191615/03 035 ## $a(bn)1155698 100 ## $a20030519d2003 me a0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aTeatro português em um acto$e(1800-1899)$forg., selec. e notas Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cImprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda,$d2003 215 ## $a609, [4] p.$cil.$d24 cm 225 2# $aBiblioteca de autores portugueses 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"18"$vBN$zpor$3541046 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4220$31667269 900 ## $aBIBNAC$d20130602 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$sESP792TEA 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 75060 V.$x3 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 77005 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 77005 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 77516 V.$x3 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s8b 004377$x1 966 ## $lCMAR$mCMAR$nOferta da Imprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda$s821.134.3-2 TEA 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s5-10 A-5-37 $x1 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869-2 RIB-TE 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sLL 12012 966 ## $lUTADBG$mUTADBG$sTEA 821.134.3-2"18" 75490 SD
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Etiqueta de registo: 01212cam 02200325 04500 001 34791 003 005 19981112144500.0 035 ## $a(bn)34791 095 ## $aPTBN00035758 100 ## $a19981112d1987 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa b 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aFederico Garcia Lorca$eteatro, vida e morte$f[org.] Centro de Arte Moderna da Fundação Calouste Gulbenkian$gorg., sel. e trad. Luís Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cFundação Calouste Gulbenkian - Centro de Arte Moderna,$d1987 215 ## $a37 p.$cil.$d30 cm 300 ## $aCatálogo de exposição 675 ## $a929García Lorca, Federico(083.92)$vBN$zpor$32056277 675 ## $a821.134.2García Lorca, Federico(083.82)$vBN$zpor$32056278 675 ## $a821.134.2-82"19"$vBN$zpor$3997434 675 ## $a061.4$vBN$zpor$3288771 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4273$31667269 702 #1 $aGarcía Lorca,$bFederico,$f1898-1936$4100$325765 712 02 $aFundação Calouste Gulbenkian.$bCentro de Arte Moderna$4340$37895 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s03/0609 DL 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 9963 V. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Alberto de Lacerda$sH.G. 69918 V.$x3 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sJ3-6-194[15] 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s5-26-29-8 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s860 GAR/L-1 FCG 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aBN002 - 00066
Etiqueta de registo: 00971cam 2200313 450 001 709662 003 005 20010219153500.0 010 ## $a972-27-0429-X 010 ## $a972-27-0465-6 021 ## $aPT$b50817/91 035 ## $a(bn)709662 095 ## $aPTBN00923536 100 ## $a19960701d1991 k y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aHistory of theatre$fLuiz Francisco Rebello$gtransl. by Cândida Cadavez 210 #9 $a[Lisboa]$cEuropália - Portugal$cImprensa Nacional-Casa da Moeda,$dD.L. 1991 215 ## $a106, [6] p.$cil.$d21 cm 225 2# $aSynthesis of Portuguese culture 320 ## $aContém bibliografia 675 ## $a792(091)$vBN$zpor$3295875 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 702 #1 $aCadavez,$bMaria Cândida$4730$363605 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$x3 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 24615 V.$x3 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$s792(091) REB 966 ## $lIPAL$mIPAL$s792(091) REB 966 ## $lIPLGD$mIPLGD$s792 REB 966 ## $lMARBC$mMARBC$sK11-04 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869-2 REB 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00557cam 2200193 450 001 1814692 003 005 20030616224700.0 035 ## $805519 095 ## $aPTBN00593651 100 ## $a19930528d1991 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aita 102 ## $aIT 200 1# $a<I >canti corali infraepisodici nella tragedia greca$fMonica Centanni 210 ## $aRoma$cEdizioni dell'Ateneo,$d1991 215 ## $a110 p. 675 ## $a784(495)$vBN$zpor$31446302 700 #1 $aCentanni,$bMonica$3752033 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1LC-40/3-41$2coop$4UAVSD$6mq1264735$7bc$8coop$9UAVSD$b72014$k0 998 ## $aUAV42-2786
Etiqueta de registo: 00642cam 022002291 04500 001 100238 003 005 19981119231700.0 035 ## $a(bn)100238 095 ## $aPTBN00104244 100 ## $a19570601d1956 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?La ?p... respectueuse$e?a ?mundana respeitável 210 #9 $aLisboa$cJornal do Foro,$d1956 215 ## $a10 p.$d24 cm 305 ## $aSep. Jornal do Foro, 19 675 ## $a79$vmed$zpor$3288684 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 2791 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCR314 - 00160
Etiqueta de registo: 00702cam 22002411i 450 001 1795959 003 005 20030601003400.0 035 ## $677325 095 ## $aPTBN00890457 100 ## $a19970322d1980 km y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $afre 102 ## $aFR 200 1# $a<L'>évolution du pathétique$aD'Eschyle a Euripide$fJacqueline de Romilly 210 ## $aParis$cLes Belles Lettres,$d1980 215 ## $a148 p.$d20 cm 225 2# $aÉtudes anciennes 500 10 $aD'Eschyle a Euripide 517 1# $aD'Eschyle a Euripide 675 ## $a875(091)$3365354 675 ## $a875-21$3333751 700 #1 $aRomilly,$bJacqueline de$3194613 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1875-21 ROM-BEL$2coop$4UCJPII$6mq1082023$7bc$8coop$9UCJPII$b86-1136$k0 998 ## $aJP82-846
Etiqueta de registo: 00739cam 22002291 450 001 1778431 003 005 20030601130000.0 035 ## $690111 095 ## $aPTBN00903716 100 ## $a19970513d1954 km y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aSegundo Congresso Mariano Nacional 210 ## $aBraga$cEscola tipográfico da Oficina de S. José,$d1954 215 ## $a1036 p.$d24 cm 300 ## $aCatalogação feita pela capa 300 ## $aCentenário da definição dogmática da Imaculada Conceição 675 ## $a061.31:232.931$31426078 675 ## $a232.931:061.31$31426079 710 12 $aCongresso Mariano Nacional,$d2,$eBraga,$f1954$31426080 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1232.931 CMN-2$2coop$4UCJPII$6mq1100377$7bc$8coop$9UCJPII$b80-4253$k0 998 ## $aJP89-641
Etiqueta de registo: 00879cam 02200277 04500 001 77213 003 035 ## $a(bn)77213 100 ## $a19981118d1977 m a0pora01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?O ?primitivo teatro português$fLuís Francisco Rebelo 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cInstituto de Cultura Portuguesa,$d1977 215 ## $a118, [2] p.$d20 cm 225 2# $aBiblioteca breve.$iLiteratura$v5 316 ## $aDedicatória do autor$5PTBN: J.S. 9792 317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 9792 675 ## $a869.0$vBN$zpor$3288129 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lAPIT$mAPIT$s931 REB 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 9792$x3 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 71170 P.$x1 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$s4-10-23-7 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-2-7-3 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-2-7-4 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sA7-5-3[5] $x1 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$nF. C. G. 5298$s82.09-2 REB 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s869.0-4 BB5 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$sFGS 869.0 BB5 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sLL 4808/A 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sLL 4808/B 966 ## $lUPLE$mUPLE$nFG$s8/VI/303v 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCR143 - 00470
Etiqueta de registo: 00573cam 2200205 450 001 1764958 003 005 20030621105400.0 035 ## $862326 095 ## $aPTBN00617911 100 ## $a19920317d1969 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $afre 102 ## $aFR 200 1# $aBateaux a voiles et regates$fNico Rode 210 ## $aParis$cGrange Bateliére S.A. ,$dcop. 1969 215 ## $a80p.$cil.$d31cm 225 2# $aDocumentaires en couleurs$v7 675 ## $a797.1$vBN$zpor$3295892 700 #1 $aRode,$bNico$31419296 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1A-676-9$2coop$4CMSJM$6mq1350949$7bc$8coop$9CMSJM$b676$k0 998 ## $aCMSJ3-36
Etiqueta de registo: 00768cam 02200229 04500 001 626461 003 035 ## $a(bn)626461 100 ## $a19990105d1971 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aaf z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?O ?jogo dos homens$eensaios, crónicas e críticas de teatro$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cÁtica,$dcop. 1971 215 ## $a253, [2] p., [4] p. il.$cil.$d19 cm 316 ## $aDedicatória do autor$5PTBN: J.S. 9804 317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 9804 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 9804$x3 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 65449 P.$x1 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-2-8-27 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-7-1-10 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-7-1-11 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01187cam 2200313 450 001 147647 003 005 19991011114700.0 021 ## $aPT$b6339/84 035 ## $a(bn)147647 095 ## $aPTBN00153563 100 ## $a19881109g19841985km y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aHistória do teatro de revista em Portugal$fLuís Francisco Rebello$grealização gráfica de Victor Palla 210 #9 $aLisboa$cDom Quixote,$d1984-1985 215 ## $a2 v.$cil.$d31 cm 327 1# $a1º v. : Da Regeneração à República. -250, [1] p.$a2º v. : Da República até hoje. - 1985. - 331, [2] p. 606 ## $2ULFL$368295 675 ## $a792.8(469)"18/19"$vBN$zpor$3352316 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 702 #1 $aPalla,$bVítor,$f1922-2006$4130$32077523 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $b002$d1º v.$lBN$mFGMON$nUsual SLG$s792 (469) REB$x3 966 ## $b002$d2º v.$lBN$mFGMON$nUsual SLG$s792 (469) REB$x3 966 ## $b001$d1º v.$lBN$mFGMON$nExiste exemplar em livre acesso na Sala de leitura Geral$sB.A.C. 68 A. $x1 966 ## $b001$d2º v.$lBN$mFGMON$nExiste exemplar em livre acesso na Sala de Leitura Geral$sB.A.C. 68 A. $x1 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-3-6-1 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-3-6-2 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$s792.7 REB/I 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$s792.7 REB/II 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sT 354 966 ## $b003$lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sT 354-354a 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sT 354a 966 ## $b004$lULLE$mULLE$sA 269 A 966 ## $b004$lULLE$mULLE$sA 270 A 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01560cam 02200397 04500 001 593203 003 005 19990104000000.0 010 ## $a972-565-224-X 021 ## $aPT$b99494/96 035 ## $a(bn)593203 095 ## $aPTBN00802507 100 ## $a19960313d1996 m a0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa b 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aCatálogo de teatro$e?a ?colecção do livreiro Eduardo Antunes Martinho$e(Cod. 11702 - Cod. 12887)$fInstituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro$gorg., catalogação e índices Teresa A. S. Duarte Ferreira$gintrod. Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cIBL,$d1996 215 ## $a342 p.$cil.$d24 cm 225 2# $aFundos da Biblioteca Nacional.$iCatálogos$v2 320 ## $aBibliografia, p. 27-31 601 01 $2SIPOR$31214813 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 675 ## $a017.1(469)$vBN$zpor$3348676 675 ## $a017.4 Martinho, Eduardo Antunes$vBN$zpor$3624339 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"17/19"(083.81)$vBN$zpor$3624340 702 #1 $aFerreira,$bTeresa A. S. Duarte,$f1950-$4070$3126075 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 710 01 $aPortugal.$bInstituto da Biblioteca Nacional e do Livro$37 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$nUsual Área de Referência$s792 (469) BNP$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nUsual SLG$s792 (469) BNP 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nUsual Sala Leitura Reservados$sB. 12004 V.$x3 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sB. 12021 V.-D $x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sO'-10-129 $x1 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-(1)-7-9-27 966 ## $lUNLEAP$mUNLEAP$sS. 41 995 ## $aLIVRARIA $zBND$d20120504$imsantos
Etiqueta de registo: 00868cam 2200265 450 001 324151 003 005 20011109161500.0 035 ## $a(bn)324151 095 ## $aPTBN00340239 100 ## $a19910711d1960 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor$cita 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000by 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?Os ?fantasmas$eaparições fantásticas em 3 actos$fEduardo de Filippo$gtexto port. de Luiz-Francisco Rebello, Orlando Vitorino 210 #9 $aLisboa$cTeatro d'Arte,$d[1960?] 215 ## $a77, [2] p.$d20 cm 225 2# $aTeoremas de teatro$v9 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19"$vBN$zpor$31009390 700 #1 $aDe Filippo,$bEduardo,$f1900-1984$361236 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4010$31667269 702 #1 $aVitorino,$bOrlando,$f1922-2003$4010$31666560 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s0001896DOA8LIV 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 84326 P.$x2 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s792.026 FIL 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00605cam 2200193 450 001 1713487 003 005 20030626221300.0 035 ## $935483 095 ## $aPTBN00949863 100 ## $a19961014d1930 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $ager 102 ## $aDE 200 1# $aRechtschreibung der deutschen Sprache und der Fremdwoerter$fbearbeitet von Theodor Matthias 210 ## $aLeipzig$cBibliographisches Institut,$d1930 215 ## $a647 p.$d19 cm 675 ## $a811.112.2(03)$vBN$zpor$31387188 702 #1 $aMatthias,$bTheodor$4340$3848045 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1REF 83-CA$2coop$4ULLE$6efalt230125$7bc$8coop$9ULLE$b82622$k0 998 ## $aLLE42-1514
Etiqueta de registo: 00820cam 22002531 450 001 291466 003 005 19981209182600.0 035 ## $a(bn)291466 095 ## $aPTBN00303364 100 ## $a19890901d1961 m y0pora0103 ba 101 1# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aEsquadra para a norte$a?A ?mordaça$e?O ?corvo$etrês peças de$fAlfonso Sastre$gtrad. Egito Gonçalves$gpref. Luís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aPorto$cDivulgação,$dimp. 1961 215 ## $a173, [3] p.$d18 cm 225 2# $aTeatro D 517 1# $a?A ?mordaça 700 #1 $aSastre,$bAlfonso,$f1926-2021$32395938 702 #1 $aGonçalves,$bEgito,$f1920-2001$4730$324532 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.R. 6716 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 62765 P. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01009cam 2200265 450 001 305728 003 005 20030221095100.0 035 ## $a(bn)305728 095 ## $aPTBN00320608 100 ## $a19881001f19471960k y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?O ?mundo começou às 5 e 47$efábula em um acto$erepresentado pela primeira vez, na sua versão primitiva, no Teatro Estúdio do Salitre,
de Lisboa, em 16 de Janeiro de 1947$f[Luiz Francisco Rebello] 210 #1 $a[S.l.$cs.n.,$d1947?] 215 ## $aP. 285-300$d23 cm 300 ## $aDedicatória do autor a Eduardo Scarlatti e Rui Feijó 300 ## $aContém lista dos actores 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 702 #1 $aScarlatti,$bEduardo,$f1898-1990$4280$3787664 702 #1 $aMartinho,$bEduardo Antunes,$fca 18- -$4390$381682 702 #1 $aFeijó,$bRui,$f1921-2008$4280$32185277 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mRESMAN$sCOD. 12531 995 ## $aPRR2022 $d20231115$idfontes$zBND 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01022cam 02200301 04500 001 935841 003 005 20000523114300.0 035 ## $a(bn)935841 095 ## $aPTBN00950221 100 ## $a19940509d1983 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?Os ?velhos$aMeia-noite$fJoäo da Câmara$g[introduçäo de Luiz Francisco Rebello] 210 #9 $aPorto$cCivilizaçäo,$d[1983] 215 ## $a311 p.$d22 cm 225 2# $aCem anos de literatura em língua portuguesa 325 ## $aTexto em braille. - Porto : CPAC, 1985. - 4 vol., integral ; 31 cm???? 517 1# $aMeia-noite 675 ## $a869.0-2 Câmara, Joäo da$vBN$zpor$31113717 700 #1 $aCâmara,$bJoão da,$f1852-1908$319926 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $d2v$lBN$mINVISU$s1676 4729$x0 966 ## $d3v$lBN$mINVISU$s1676 4730$x0 966 ## $d4v$lBN$mINVISU$s1676 4731$x0 966 ## $lBN$mINVISU$s1676bl_001-1676bl_004$x0 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$nF.C.G. 5607$s821.134.3-2 CAM 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s869.0-2 CA,J 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s869.0-2 CA,J(R)[Dep.] 966 ## $lESES$mESES$sUA 7507 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLTP 761 V-LP 966 ## $lUMSD$mUMSD$sBCEP 869.0 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aLLE43-103
Etiqueta de registo: 00836nam 02200253 04500 001 9416 003 035 ## $a(bn)9416 100 ## $a19801001d1980 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?O ?teatro romântico (1838-1869)$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cInstituto de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa,$d1980 215 ## $a146, [3] p.$d19 cm 225 2# $aBiblioteca breve$v51.$iLiteratura 317 ## $aDoação de Ana Rita Palmeirim$5PTBN: L. 118806 P. 675 ## $a869.0$vBN$zpor$3288129 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 74024 P. 966 ## $lCMOPA$mCMOPA$s869-O-12503 966 ## $lCMVRB$mCMVRB$s82-2 Reb (FG) 966 ## $lESEV$mESEV$s792 REB TEA 966 ## $lIICT$mIICT 966 ## $lIICT$mIICT$sCACSL-3513 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s82-2"18" REB 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sBLB 826/A 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sBLB 826/B 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sLL 4800/A 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sLL 4800/B 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sLL 4800/C 975 ## $e0$d20221108$visabelm
Etiqueta de registo: 00768cam 22002291 450 001 573340 003 005 19990104000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)573340 095 ## $aPTBN00782467 100 ## $a19951115d1969 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?A ?máquina de naufragar$fCarlos Manuel Rodrigues.$cEstrangulados assumimos a vida$fJosé A. Goulão Capitão 210 #9 $aLisboa$cPrelo,$d1969 215 ## $a109 p., 1 f.$d19 cm 225 2# $aRepertório para um teatro actual$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 700 #1 $aRodrigues,$bCarlos Manuel$376956 701 #1 $aCapitão,$bJosé A. Goulão$4070$3196450 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4300$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 61796 P.$x1 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00802nam 2200289 450 001 1332771 003 010 ## $a972-41-3336-2 021 ## $aPT$b192909/03 035 ## $a(bn)1332771 100 ## $a20050928d2004 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001cy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?O ?palco virtual$fLuiz Francisco Rebelo 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aPorto$cAsa,$d2004 215 ## $a255, [1] p.$d24 cm 225 2# $aEnsaio 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"18/19"(042)$vBN$zpor$31236255 675 ## $a792(469)"18/19"(042)$vBN$zpor$31236256 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 900 ## $aBIBNAC$d20130602 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s0057681FGA8LIV 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 84719 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 84719 V.-D $x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s8b 006318$x1 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s8-(2)-22-15-36 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00761cam 02200241 04500 001 202720 003 035 ## $a(bn)202720 100 ## $a19981130d1961 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aImagens do teatro contemporâneo$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cÁtica,$dimp. 1961 215 ## $a267, [2] p.$d17 cm 225 2# $aEnsaio 316 ## $aDedicatória do autor$5PTBN: J.S. 9982 317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 9982 675 ## $a821.134.3-6"19"$vBN$zpor$3289251 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 9982$x3 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 51550 P. 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sBB 27044 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sT 110 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s82-2 REB 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sLL 366
Etiqueta de registo: 00902nam 2200277 450 001 1364476 003 010 ## $a972-8645-22-8 021 ## $aPT$b216443/04 035 ## $a(bn)1364476 100 ## $a20060216d2004 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?O ?passado na minha frente$ememórias$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cParceria A. M. Pereira,$d2004 215 ## $a383 p.$cil.$d24 cm 316 ## $aDedicatória do autor$5PTBN: J.S. 4319 317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 4319 675 ## $a821.134.3-94"19"$vBN$zpor$3294335 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 900 ## $aBIBNAC$d20130602 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 4319$x3 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 85545 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 85545 V.-D $x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s8b 006811$x1 966 ## $lBPRMAD$mBPRMAD$nJuliana$sLIT821.134.3-3REB 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s8-(2)-25-7-40 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00690cam 022002411 04500 001 92011 003 005 19981119133800.0 035 ## $a(bn)92011 095 ## $aPTBN00095611 100 ## $a19590201d1958 m y0pora0103 ba 101 1# $cfre 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aFez-se justiça$fcoment. Luís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$cJornal do Foro,$d1958 215 ## $a10 p.$d24 cm 304 ## $aTít. orig. : Justice est faite 305 ## $aSep. Jornal do Foro, 21 675 ## $a79$vmed$zpor$3288684 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4210$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 3097 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCR304 - 00188
Etiqueta de registo: 00957cam 2200325 450 001 877982 003 005 20011112113800.0 010 ## $a972-20-1612-1 021 ## $aPT$b136999/99 035 ## $a(bn)877982 100 ## $a19990329d1999 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aGarrett, Herculano e a propriedade literária$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cDom Quixote,$d1999 215 ## $a149, [3] p.$d24 cm 225 2# $aTémis$v13 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 675 ## $a347.78(469)"18"$vBN$zpor$3947553 675 ## $a821.134.3-34"19"$vBN$zpor$3294228 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 85174 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 85174 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$s82.09 REB/GAR 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s8b 000333$x1 966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s5-57-12-29 $x1 995 ## $aHERCULANO $d20110804$igrafael
Etiqueta de registo: 00621cam 022002051 04500 001 838081 003 005 19990126000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)838081 095 ## $aPTBN00491932 100 ## $a19901206d1953 km y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?O ?actor$fpor Luíz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $a[S.l.$cs.n.],$d1953$eLisboa :$gTip. Rádio Renascença) 215 ## $a16 p.$cil.$d23 cm 305 ## $aSep. "Enciclopédia da Vida Corrente" 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 2519//9 V. 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-2-10-1 998 ## $aCI251-89
Etiqueta de registo: 00895cam 02200241 04500 001 824193 003 005 19990125000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)824193 095 ## $aPTBN00476353 100 ## $a19930720f19851988km y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $afre$aeng$aspa 102 ## $aFR 200 1# $a?La ?nouvelle législation portugaise sur le droit d'auteur$fpar Luiz Francisco Rebello$g[english translation by James Saint-Clair$gtrad. espänola de Antonio Munoz] 210 #9 $a[S.l.$cs.n.,$d1985?] 215 ## $a39 p.$d24 cm 305 ## $aSep. de : Revue internationale du droit d'auteur, nº 129 (1985?) 675 ## $a347.78(469)$vBN$zpor$3561099 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 702 #1 $aSaint-Clair,$bJames$4730$3760135 702 #1 $aMunoz,$bAntonio$4730$3760136 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nEx. assinado pelo autor 2$sS.C. 64499 V. 998 ## $aBN9329-512
Etiqueta de registo: 00881cam 2200301 450 001 787054 003 005 19990109000000.0 010 ## $a972-8011-10-5 021 ## $aPT$b66826/93 035 ## $a(bn)787054 095 ## $aPTBN00574838 100 ## $a19940418d1993 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?A ?comédia$e?o ?teatro que ri$fJoão Pedro de Andrade$gapresent. Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cAcontecimento,$d1993 215 ## $a110, [4] p.$d21 cm 225 2# $aEos 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 675 ## $a82-2(042.3)$vBN$zpor$3738953 700 #1 $aAndrade,$bJoão Pedro de,$f1902-1974$34921 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s0012853FGA7LIV 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 49195 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 49195 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$s82.09 AND/COM 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sI8-5-80[3] 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$nF.C.G. 11763$s82.09-2 AND 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-23-47-61 966 ## $lUPLE$mUPLE$nFG$s792A565c 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00820cam 022002651 04500 001 759557 003 005 20020524123600.0 035 ## $a(bn)759557 095 ## $aPTBN00546941 100 ## $a19940129d1974 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aLiberdade, liberdade$fLuís Francisco Rebelo, Luís de Lima, Helder Costa 210 #9 $aLisboa$cPrelo,$d[D.L. 1974] 215 ## $a148, [1] p., 1 f.$d19 cm 225 2# $aRepertório para um teatro actual$v12 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19"$vBN$zpor$31009390 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 701 #1 $aLima,$bLuis de,$f1929-$4070$374660 701 #1 $aCosta,$bHélder,$f1939-$4070$3209837 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 68259 P. 974 ## $e0$d20230830$vrsimoes 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aPORB-369
Etiqueta de registo: 00904cam 2200301 450 001 757004 003 005 19990108000000.0 010 ## $a972-20-1141-3 021 ## $aPT$b72922/93 035 ## $a(bn)757004 095 ## $aPTBN00544356 100 ## $a19940126d1993 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aComunicação pública de emissões de rádio e televisão$fintrod., coord. e anot. de Luiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 ## $aLisboa$cSoc. Port. de Autores$cDom Quixote,$d1993 215 ## $a268 p.$d24 cm 225 2# $aTemis$v8 675 ## $a347.78$vBN$zpor$3313879 675 ## $a654.16$vBN$zpor$3329930 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4340$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$nANA$sDIR347.78COM 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 69877 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 69877 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sE7-11-34[8] 966 ## $lESEV$mESEV$s659 COM 966 ## $lINP$mINP$sDIR. 0149 966 ## $lIPMCV$mIPMCV$s316.77 COM 966 ## $lIPMCV$mIPMCV$s316.77 COM 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-66-11-36 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00749cam 22002411 450 001 745977 003 005 19991202092600.0 035 ## $a(bn)745977 095 ## $aPTBN00533249 100 ## $a19940110d1948 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?O ?mundo começou às 5 e 47$fLuís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $a[S.l.$cs.n.],$d1948$eCoimbra :$gTip. Atlântida) 215 ## $a20 p.$d22 cm 305 ## $aSep. Vértice, 56-57 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 13722//13 V. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nEx. autografado pelo autor$pBiblioteca João Gaspar Simões$sL. 61243 V.$x3 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCB036-474
Etiqueta de registo: 00880cam 02200301 04500 001 119708 003 005 19981121013400.0 021 ## $aPT$b21765/88 035 ## $a(bn)119708 095 ## $aPTBN00125166 100 ## $a19890428d1989 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aHistória do teatro português$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a4ª ed.,$brev. e actualizada 210 #9 $aMem Martins$cEuropa-América,$d1989 215 ## $a182, [5] p., [24] p. il.$cil.$d18 cm 225 2# $aSaber$v68 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 675 ## $a869.0-2(091)$vBN$zpor$3303796 675 ## $a792(469)(091)$vBN$zpor$3338063 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 82466 P.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 82466 P.$x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sO6-9-1[68] $x1 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s869.0-2(091) RE,L 966 ## $lCMTDL$mCMTDL$s792 REB 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-10-21-68 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sART 9 P-LP 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00604cam 22002051 450 001 734949 003 005 19990108000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)734949 095 ## $aPTBN00522188 100 ## $a19931213d1943 km y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?A ?lição do tempo$fLuís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $a[S.l.$cs.n.],$d1943$eLisboa$cTip. Casa Portuguesa) 215 ## $a51, [2] p.$cil., 4 est.$d24 cm 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 12897//6 V. 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sBB 26854 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCR632-22
Etiqueta de registo: 01019cam 02200313 04500 001 498411 003 005 20010807104300.0 010 ## $a972-1-03857-1 021 ## $aPT$b78959/94 035 ## $a(bn)498411 095 ## $aPTBN00701241 100 ## $a19950310d1994 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000ay 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aBastardos do Sol$fUrbano Tavares Rodrigues 205 ## $a7ª ed. rev.$festudo de Luís Francisco Rebelo$gseguido do pref. da ed. francesa por Claude Michel Cluny 210 #9 $aMem Martins$cEuropa-América,$dD.L. 1994 215 ## $a140 p.$d21 cm 225 2# $aSéculo XX$v354 675 ## $a821.134.3-31"19/20"$vBN$zpor$31033882 700 #1 $aRodrigues,$bUrbano Tavares,$f1923-2013$31770861 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4070$31667269 702 #1 $aCluny,$bClaude Michel,$f1930-$4080$31970793 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$nJuliana$sLIT821.134.3-3ROD 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 50606 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 50606 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$s821.134.3-3 ROD/BAS 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sI8-12-15[354] 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$nF.C.G. 11195$s821.134.3-31 ROD 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-46-39-44 966 ## $lUTADBG$mUTADBG$sROD 821.134.3-31"19" 19323 SD 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00481nam 2200157 450 001 2167043 003 005 20060512142305.0 035 ## $aMARBC_BC_149.iso/02-07-2009/42834 100 ## $a20060512g18951896m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aeng 102 ## $aGB 200 1# $a<The >exploration of Australia$fby Albert F. Calvert 210 ## $aLondon$cGeorge Philip Taunton$d1895-96 215 ## $a2 vol.$c1 mapa$d26 cm 700 #1 $aCalvert$bAlbert F. 801 #0 $aPT$bMARBC$gRPC
Etiqueta de registo: 00737c 02200229 04500 001 43305 003 005 19981113152600.0 035 ## $a(bn)43305 095 ## $aPTBN00044457 100 ## $a19821201d1981 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aEvocação de Henrique Lopes de Mendonça no cinquentenário da sua morte$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cAcad. das Ciências,$d1981 215 ## $ap. 211-221$d25 cm 305 ## $aSep. Memórias Acad. Ciências de Lisboa, Classe de Letras, 22 675 ## $a869.0$vmed$zpor$3288129 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 31041 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sS6-4-13[9] $x1 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aFSE95 - 00031
Etiqueta de registo: 00801cam 2200229 450 001 554265 003 035 ## $a(bn)554265 100 ## $a19950808d1964 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aDente por dente$ereportório para um teatro actual...$fWilliam Shakespeare$gtragicomédia em 2 partes livremente adapt. Luíz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cPrelo,$d1964 215 ## $a102, [1] p.$d19 cm 317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 6932 700 #1 $aShakespeare,$bWilliam,$f1564-1616$320282 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4010$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 6932$x3 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 56138 P. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00958cam 2200289 450 001 608236 003 005 20011109161600.0 010 ## $a972-20-1342-4 021 ## $aPT$b103909/96 035 ## $a(bn)608236 095 ## $aPTBN00818573 100 ## $a19960627d1996 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aaf z 001by 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aTeatro-Estúdio do Salitre - 50 anos$enove peças em 1 acto$fAlves Redol... [et al.]$gpref. Luiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cSociedade Portuguesa de Autores$cDom Quixote,$d1996 215 ## $a276 p., [6] p. il.$cil.$d21 cm 225 2# $aAutores de língua portuguesa 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19"$vBN$zpor$31009390 701 #1 $aRedol,$bAlves,$f1911-1969$4070$321642 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 54771 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 54771 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$s4-21-32-33 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sD7-8-129 $x1 966 ## $lCMAR$mCMAR$s821.134.3-2 TEA 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-24-6-48
Etiqueta de registo: 00898cam 02200253 04500 001 632262 003 035 ## $a(bn)632262 100 ## $a19990105d1961 m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aD. João da Câmara e os caminhos do teatro português$fLuís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$cContraponto,$d[D.L. 1961] 215 ## $a38, [2] p.$d17 cm 225 2# $aTeatro no bolso$v15 316 ## $aDedicatória do autor$5PTBN: J.S. 9857 317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 9857 532 12 $aDom João da Câmara e os caminhos do teatro português 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 9857$x3 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 75098 P.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca José Marinho$sL. 89851 P.$x3
Etiqueta de registo: 00855cam 22002531 450 001 634415 003 005 19990105000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)634415 095 ## $aPTBN00846034 100 ## $a19961125d1967 m y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $apor$ceng 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aFeliz aniversário$fHarold Pinter$gtrad. Artur Ramos e Jaime Salazar Sampaio$g[dir. lit.] Luiz Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$cPrelo,$d1967 215 ## $a128 p., [1] f.$d19 cm 304 ## $aTit. orig.: The birthday party 675 ## $a821.111-2"19/20"$vBN$zpor$31311084 700 #1 $aPinter,$bHarold,$f1930-2008$31602292 702 #1 $aRamos,$bArtur,$f1926-2006$4730$3102495 702 #1 $aSampaio,$bJaime Salazar,$f1925-2010$4730$31649476 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4340$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 60690 P.$x1 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-6-2-52 966 ## $lUEBIB$mUEBIB$s820-2 PIN f 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00695cam 02200241 04500 001 645195 003 005 19990105000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)645195 095 ## $aPTBN00856894 100 ## $a19970213d1963 m y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $apor 102 ## $aPT 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aO pária$fAugust Stindberg$gtrad. de Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cTempo,$d[D.L. 1963] 215 ## $a29, 2 p.$d20 cm 225 2# $aTempo$v11 675 ## $a821.113.6-2"18/19"$vBN$zpor$31572046 700 #1 $aStrindberg,$bAugust,$f1849-1912$342012 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4730$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 72237 P. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00891cam 2200277 450 001 898694 003 005 20011109161700.0 010 ## $a972-1-04494-6 021 ## $aPT$b127175/98 035 ## $a(bn)898694 100 ## $a19990524d1998 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000by 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aHavemos de rir?$eteatro$fMaria de Judite de Carvalho$gpref. Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aMem Martins$cEuropa-América,$d1998 215 ## $a102, [1] p.$d21 cm 225 2# $aContemporânea$v7 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19"$vBN$zpor$31009390 700 #1 $aCarvalho,$bMaria Judite de,$f1921-1998$327067 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lAPIT$mAPIT$s1 CAR 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 60036 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 60036 V.$x1 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pUrbano Tavares Rodrigues$sL. 62301 V.$x3 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$s821.134.3-3 CAR/HAV 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sI8-12-32[7] $x1 966 ## $lBPRMAD$mBPRMAD$nJuliana$sLIT821.134.3-2CAR 966 ## $b003$lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-49-33-2 $x1 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869 CAR/MA HAV
Etiqueta de registo: 00729cam 22002411 450 001 404774 003 005 19981231000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)404774 095 ## $aPTBN00433082 100 ## $a19930306d1975 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?A ?repressão fascista em Espanha$forgan. Egito Gonçalves, Luís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aPorto$cLimiar,$d1975 215 ## $a87, [8] p.$cil.$d21 cm 225 2# $aProblemas - soluções$v2 675 ## $a32$vmed$zpor$3288019 702 #1 $aGonçalves,$bEgito,$f1920-2001$4050$324532 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4050$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 38672 V. 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sY6-11-33[2] $x1 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCR708-394
Etiqueta de registo: 00914cam 02200289 04500 001 106484 003 005 19990421173500.0 021 ## $aPT$b17052/87 035 ## $a(bn)106484 095 ## $aPTBN00110658 100 ## $a19880202d1987 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aAlma$eoriginal em 1 acto$fMário de Sá-Carneiro e Ponce de Leäo$gnota introd. Luis Francísco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cRolim,$dcop. 1987 215 ## $a68, [2] p.$cil.$d21 cm 225 2# $aPalco 675 ## $a869.0-2 Carneiro, Mário de Sá$vmed$zpor$3792587 675 ## $a869.0-2 Leäo, Ponce de$vmed$zpor$31094072 700 #1 $aCarneiro,$bMário de Sá,$f1890-1916$310405 701 #1 $aLeão,$bPonce de,$f1891-1918$4070$3787549 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 901 33 $4.02.88 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 39134 V. 966 ## $lCMLCFP$mCMLCFP$s821.134.3-23/CAR 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s5-51-35-11 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLP 1252 V 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aBN884 - 00078
Etiqueta de registo: 00590cam 2200205 450 001 1940890 003 005 20030521155800.0 035 ## $532392 095 ## $aPTBN00735442 100 ## $a19941130d1994 k y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $aspa 102 ## $aES 200 1# $aDía de playa$fJosé Angel Cilleruelo 210 ## $a[S.l.]$c[S.n.],$d1994 215 ## $a20 p 225 2# $aJAC.$iColección particular$v1 675 ## $a860-1 Cilleruelo, José Angel$vBN$zpor$31519494 700 #1 $aCilleruelo,$bJosé Ángel$f1960-$3276317 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 977 ## $1AA 860 CIL$2coop$4UCLE$6mq854042$7bc$8coop$9UCLE$b00088$k0 998 ## $aCLE30-402
Etiqueta de registo: 00977cam 02200277 04500 001 99899 003 035 ## $a(bn)99899 100 ## $a19590401g19599999m y0pora01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aTeatro$fLuís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$c[s.n.],$d1959- 215 ## $av.$d19 cm 316 ## $aDedicatória do autor$5PTBN: J.S. 10022-1 316 ## $aDedicatória do autor$5PTBN: J.S. 10022-2 317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 10022-1 317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 10022-2 675 ## $a821.134.3-31"19"$vmed$zpor$3298396 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $b001$d1º v.$lBN$mFGMON$sC.G. 7415 P. 966 ## $b002$d1º v.$lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 10022-1$x3 966 ## $b002$d2º v.$lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 10022-2$x3 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-1-2-22 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-2-2-14 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-2-4-43 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sBB 26203 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sBB 28861 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00654cam 022002171 04500 001 99869 003 005 20020524123200.0 035 ## $a(bn)99869 095 ## $aPTBN00103873 100 ## $a19590401d1959 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aTeatro português$fcompil., pref. e anot. Luís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$cCírculo do Livro,$d1959 215 ## $aXXXVI, 12 p.$d24 cm 675 ## $a821.134.3-31"19"$vmed$zpor$3298396 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$4020$4220$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$sRES. 2292 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCR324 - 00289
Etiqueta de registo: 00982cam 2200301 450 001 336341 003 005 19981229000000.0 010 ## $a972-27-0464-8 021 ## $aPT$b50419/91 035 ## $a(bn)336341 095 ## $aPTBN00354515 100 ## $a19920115d1991 m y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $afre$cpor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aHistoire du theatre$fLuiz Francisco Rebello$gtrad. Isabelle de Chantérac 210 #9 $aLisbonne$cComissariado para a Europália 91$cImp.Nac.-Casa da Moeda,$dimp. 1991 215 ## $a117, [3] p., [16] p. il.$cil.$d21 cm 225 2# $aSynthéses de la culture portugaise.$iEuropália 91 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 675 ## $a869.0-2(091)$vBN$zpor$3303796 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 702 #1 $aChantèrac,$bIsabelle de,$f1956-$4730$31679126 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s01/0790 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 44910 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 44910 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$s792(091) REB 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-8-32-4 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00714cam 2200217 450 001 582891 003 005 19990104000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)582891 095 ## $aPTBN00792121 100 ## $a19960102d1969 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aPequenos burgueses$erepertório para um teatro actual$fde Máximo Gorki$gtrad. de Gina de Freitas$grev. por Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cPrelo,$d1969 215 ## $a152, [1] p., 1 f.$d19 cm 700 #1 $aGorkii,$bMaksim,$cpseud.$338384 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4640$31667269 702 #1 $aFreitas,$bGina de$4730$378194 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 62074 P.$x1 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01103cam 2200325 450 001 454522 003 005 20011109161600.0 010 ## $a972-20-1210-X 021 ## $aPT$b86729/95 035 ## $a(bn)454522 095 ## $aPTBN00656935 100 ## $a19940901d1995 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000ay 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aSonho, paixão, mistério do Infante D. Henrique ;$a?seguido de O ?Ser sepulto$fAntónio Rebordão Navarro$gnota introd. Luiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cDom Quixote$cSoc. Portuguesa de Autores,$d1995 215 ## $a77 p.$d21 cm 225 2# $aAutores de língua portuguesa 517 1# $a?seguido de O ?Ser sepulto 532 12 $aSonho, paixão, mistério do Infante Dom Henrique 675 ## $a821.134.3-31"19/20"$vBN$zpor$31033882 700 #1 $aNavarro,$bAntónio Rebordão,$f1933-2015$32055624 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lAPIT$mAPIT$s1 NAV 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 50945 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 50945 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$s821.134.3-2 NAV/SON 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$s4-21-32-45 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sD7-11-87[4] 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$s821.134.3-2 NAV 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-68-20-38 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00689cam 02200229 04500 001 417618 003 005 19981231000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)417618 095 ## $aPTBN00446303 100 ## $a19930415d1959 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor$feng 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?"?Bad day at black rock"$e?a ?conspiração do silêncio$fLuis Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$cJornal do Fôro,$d1959 215 ## $a9 p. a 2 coln.$d24 cm 305 ## $aSep. Jornal do Foro 675 ## $a791.45(049.3)$vmed$zpor$3536911 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 3220 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCI334-502
Etiqueta de registo: 00710cam 022002291 04500 001 414541 003 005 19981231000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)414541 095 ## $aPTBN00443171 100 ## $a19930320d1972 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?A ?mãe$fde Stanislas Witkiewicz$g[pref. de Luiz Francisco Rebello] 210 #9 $aLisboa$cPrelo,$d1972 215 ## $a247 p.$cil.$d19 cm 225 2# $aRepertório para um teatro actual$v9 700 #1 $aWitkiewicz,$bStanislaw,$f1885-1939$32334223 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nDoação Brito Rato$sB.R. 5436 966 ## $lESEL$mESEL$s82/89-2 WIT 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aFS125-198
Etiqueta de registo: 01012cam 2200301 450 001 368190 003 005 19981230000000.0 010 ## $a972-21-0279-6 021 ## $aPT$b6563/84 035 ## $a(bn)368190 095 ## $aPTBN00392860 100 ## $a19920930g19919999m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001by 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aObras completas$fBernardo Santareno$gorg., posfácio e notas Luís Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a2ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cCaminho,$dimp. 1991- 215 ## $av.$d21 cm 327 0# $a1º v.: A promessa ; O bailarino ; A excomungada ; O lugre ; O crime de Aldeia Velha.
- 370 p. 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19"$vBN$zpor$31009390 700 #1 $aSantareno,$bBernardo,$cpseud.$327075 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4212$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s03/3621 DL 966 ## $c2$d 1º v.$e $f $lBN$mFGMON$sC.G. 15155 V. $x1 966 ## $c2$d 1º v.$e $f $lBN$mFGMON$sC.G. 15155 V. $x1 966 ## $d [1º v.]$e $f $lBPMP$mBPMP$sP4-2-38[1] 966 ## $d 1º v.$e $f $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-30-39 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLTP 767 V-LP 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00809cam 22002531 450 001 356430 003 005 19981229000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)356430 095 ## $aPTBN00379776 100 ## $a19920715d1974 m y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $apor$cspa 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?O ?concerto de Santo Ovidio$fAntónio Buero Vallejo$gtrad. Luis Francisco Rebelo, Eduardo Jacques 210 #9 $aLisboa$cPrelo,$d1974 215 ## $a117, [2] p.$d19 cm 225 2# $aRepertório para um teatro actual$v11 675 ## $a821.134.2-2"19"$vBN$zpor$3881355 700 #1 $aBuero Vallejo,$bAntónio,$f1916-2000$317923 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4730$31667269 702 #1 $aJacques,$bEduardo$4730$342474 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 67847 P. 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s82-2 BV,A 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCR716-59
Etiqueta de registo: 00578cam 22002051 450 001 347913 003 005 20020524123500.0 035 ## $a(bn)347913 095 ## $aPTBN00368762 100 ## $a19920703d1970 am y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aÉ urgente o amor$fLuís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$cPrelo,$d1970 215 ## $a94, [1] p.$cil.$d16 cm 675 ## $a821.134.3-31"19"$vmed$zpor$3298396 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 64450 P. 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sD7-5-102[8] $x1 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s869.0-2 RE,L(2) 966 ## $lCMPEN$mCMPEN$s869.0-2 RE,L(2)R[Dep.] 966 ## $lFCGBAL$mFCGBAL$s821.134.3-2 REB 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00926cam 2200301 450 001 335001 003 005 19981229000000.0 010 ## $a972-27-0429-X 021 ## $aPT$b48547/91 035 ## $a(bn)335001 095 ## $aPTBN00352097 100 ## $a19911212d1991 em y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $af z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aHistória do teatro$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cComissariado para a Europália 91$cImp. Nac.-Casa da Moeda,$dimp. 1991 215 ## $a107, [3] p., [16] p. il.$cil.$d21 cm 225 2# $aSínteses da cultura portuguesa.$iEuropália 91 320 ## $aBibliografia, p. 108 606 ## $2SIPOR$368295 675 ## $a869.0-2(091)$vBN$zpor$3303796 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s01/1178 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 44797 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 44797 V.$x1 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$s792 REB 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sD8-10-96[8] 966 ## $lESEL$mESEL$s869.0-2(091) REB 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sT 400 966 ## $lIPLBJ$mIPLBJ$s82.0/356 966 ## $lUALGB$mUALGB$s792:93 REB*His CH 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-52-16-22 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869-2 REB 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sART 48 V-LP 966 ## $lUMSD$mUMSD$sBCIFOP 869.0-2 966 ## $lUMSD$mUMSD$sBGUM1 869.0-2 966 ## $c2$lUMSD$mUMSD$sBGUM 869.0-2 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00900cam 2200301 450 001 334391 003 005 19981229000000.0 010 ## $a972-566-163-X 021 ## $aPT$b45346/91 035 ## $a(bn)334391 095 ## $aPTBN00351432 100 ## $a19911218d1991 m a0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 001zy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $a?O ?teatro de Camilo$fLuiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cInst. de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa,$d1991 215 ## $a199 p.$d19 cm 225 2# $aBiblioteca breve,$x0871-5165$v120.$iSérie literatura 600 #1 $2SIPOR$313194 675 ## $a869.0-2 Castelo Branco, Camilo .09$vBN$zpor$3480370 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 84146 P.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 84146 P.$x1 966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sA7-5-3[120] 966 ## $lBPVNG$mBPVNG$s52153 966 ## $lCJBROT$mCJBROT$s3/199-40 $x0 966 ## $lUALGB$mUALGB$s821.134.3-2.09 REB* Tea CH 966 ## $lUALLC$mUALLC$s821.134.3 REB 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-48-26-120 966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s869 CAMI TEA-REB 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLTPC 80 P-LP 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00966cam 2200277 450 001 636592 003 005 19990105000000.0 035 ## $a(bn)636592 100 ## $a19961223d1961 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aTeatro portugues contemporaneo$fRaúl Brandão ;$a?"?El loco y el muerte"$fJosé Régio ;$a?"?Jacob y el Angel"$fAlfredo Contez ;$a?"?Rouge"...$fsel. y prólogo de Luiz Francisco Rebello$gtrad. de Victor Auz Castro 210 #9 $aMadrid$cAguilar,$d1961 215 ## $a437, [4] p. 225 2# $ateatro contemporaneo 517 1# $a?"?El loco y el muerte" 517 1# $a?"?Jacob y el Angel" 517 1# $a?"?Rouge"... 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19"$vBN$zpor$31009390 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$4220$31667269 702 #1 $aCastro,$bVictor Aúz$4730$31646520 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 70103 P.$x2 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 103111 P.$x3 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00854cam 02200277 04500 001 39540 003 005 19981113121000.0 021 ## $aPT$b10720/85 035 ## $a(bn)39540 095 ## $aPTBN00040591 100 ## $a19870420g19869999m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aTeatro$fRaúl Brandão$gestudo introdutório de Luis Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a1ª ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cComunicação,$d1986- 215 ## $av.$cil.$d21 cm 225 2# $aObras completas de Raúl Brandäo 327 0# $a1º v. : 190, [5] p., [6] p. il. 675 ## $a821.134.3-2Brandão, Raul.09$vBN$zpor$31591681 700 #1 $aBrandão,$bRaúl,$f1867-1930$32356100 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$s01/0798 966 ## $lAPIT$mAPIT$s1 BRA 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sC.G. 13909 V. 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$nF.C.G. 7598$s821.134.3-2 BRA 966 ## $lCMTDL$mCMTDL$s821.134.3-2 BRA 966 ## $d 1º v.$e $f $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-38-37-68 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLTP 721 V-LP 966 ## $c2$dV. 1$lUMSD$mUMSD$sBCEP 869.0 BRANDAO 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aBN007 - 00015
Etiqueta de registo: 01406cam 22003851 450 001 316854 003 035 ## $a(bn)316854 100 ## $a19721001d1971 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aTeatro$fCamilo Castelo Branco$gfixação de texto Laurinda Arminda Bandeira, Maria Joaquina Nobre Júlio$gnota Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cParceria António Maria Pereira,$d1971 215 ## $av.$d20 cm 225 2# $aObras de Camilo Castelo Branco$v77, 78 317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 7372-2 a J.S. 7372-3 517 1# $a?O ?morgado de Fafe amoroso 517 1# $a?O ?morgado de Fafe em Lisboa 517 1# $a?O ?último acto 517 1# $aAbençoadas Lágrimas 517 1# $aPoesia ou dinheiro 517 1# $aJustiça 517 1# $aEspinhos e flores 517 1# $aPurgatório e paraíso 675 ## $a821.134.3-31"19"$vmed$zpor$3298396 700 #1 $aCastelo Branco,$bCamilo,$f1825-1890$320266 702 #1 $aJúlio,$bMaria Joaquina Nobre,$f1930-$4070$3221770 702 #1 $aFerreira,$bLaura Arminda Bandeira$4070$3260417 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sC.G. 9724 V. 966 ## $dII$lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 7372-2 $x3 966 ## $dIII$lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 7372-3 $x3 966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sALC 192 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00927cbm 2200241 450 001 305731 003 005 20030124160900.0 035 ## $a(bn)305731 095 ## $aPTBN00320611 100 ## $a19891011d1949 m y0pory0103 ba 101 1# $apor$crus 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?O ?urso$efarça em um acto$e?a ?presente tradução foi pela primeira vez apresentada em público no dia 28 de Junho
de 1949, pelo corpo cénico do "Grupo Dramático Lisbonense"$fAnton Tchekhov$gtrad. Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #1 $a[S.l.$cs.n.,$d1949?] 215 ## $ap. 134-146$d23 cm 700 #1 $aTchekhoff,$bAnton,$f1860-1904$392316 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4730$31667269 702 #1 $aMartinho,$bEduardo Antunes,$fca 18- -$4390$381682 712 02 $aGrupo Dramático Lisbonense$4590$38325 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mRESMAN$sCOD. 12534 995 ## $aPRR2022 $d20231115$idfontes$zBND 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00651cam 22002171 450 001 281466 003 005 19981209101600.0 035 ## $a(bn)281466 095 ## $aPTBN00292920 100 ## $a19630601d1963 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aPássaros de asas cortadas$fadapt. Artur Ramos e Luís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$cPrelo,$d1963 215 ## $a138 p., [3] f.$cil.$d19 cm 675 ## $a791/792$vmed$zpor$3288549 700 #1 $aRamos,$bArtur,$f1926-2006$3102495 701 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4010$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A. 3614 P. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00840cam 022002531 04500 001 266976 003 005 19990430101800.0 035 ## $a(bn)266976 095 ## $aPTBN00277654 100 ## $a19630401d1963 m y0pora0103 ba 101 1# $apor$cfre 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aEsperando por Godot$eacto sem palavras$fSamuel Beckett$gtrad. de António Nogueira Santos$gpref. de Luís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$c[s.n,$dD.L. 1963] 215 ## $a268, [1] p.$d22 cm 225 2# $aFólio 304 ## $aTít. orig.: En attendant Godot 675 ## $a821.111(417)-2"19"$vBN$zpor$3650101 700 #1 $aBeckett,$bSamuel,$f1906-1989$31612963 702 #1 $aSantos,$bAntónio Nogueira,$f1921-$4730$3113816 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 16553 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00674cam 022002171 04500 001 260244 003 005 19981205231600.0 035 ## $a(bn)260244 095 ## $aPTBN00270751 100 ## $a19751101d1975 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?A ?situação presente do direito de autor internacional$fLuís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$c[s.n.,$dD.L. 1975] 215 ## $ap. 165-181$d25 cm 305 ## $aSep. Memórias Academia Ciências de Lisboa. Letras, 16 675 ## $a338$vmed$zpor$3288030 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 39302 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00683cam 022002171 04500 001 260243 003 005 19981205231600.0 035 ## $a(bn)260243 095 ## $aPTBN00270750 100 ## $a19751101d1975 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aObservações sobre o projecto do novo Código do Direito de Autor$fLuís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$c[s.n.,$dD.L. 1975] 215 ## $ap. 77-84$d25 cm 305 ## $aSep. Memórias Academia Ciências de Lisboa. Letras, 17 675 ## $a338$vmed$zpor$3288030 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 39279 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00649cam 022002171 04500 001 260239 003 005 19981205231600.0 035 ## $a(bn)260239 095 ## $aPTBN00270746 100 ## $a19751101d1975 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aVida, martirio e glória de Moliére$fLuis Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$c[s.n. D.L. 1975] 215 ## $ap. 53-68$d25 cm 305 ## $aSep. Memória Academia Ciências Lisboa. Letras, 17 675 ## $a840-31$vmed$zpor$3288125 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 24089 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00785cam 022002531 04500 001 61516 003 005 19991111135800.0 035 ## $a(bn)61516 095 ## $aPTBN00063521 100 ## $a19760501d1976 k y0pora0103 ba 101 1# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aCartas sobre a revolução portuguesa$fLouis Althusser, Luis Francisco Rebelo$gtrad. João Labescat da Silva 210 #9 $aLisboa$cSeara Nova,$d1976 215 ## $a42, [1] p.$d19 cm 225 2# $aArgumentos$v22 675 ## $a32$vmed$zpor$3288019 700 #1 $aAlthusser,$bLouis,$f1918-1990$32605 701 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4070$31667269 702 #1 $aSilva,$bJoão Labescat$4730$391647 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 26757 P. 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCR177 - 00410
Etiqueta de registo: 00749cam 022002411 04500 001 226664 003 005 19981202134700.0 035 ## $a(bn)226664 095 ## $aPTBN00234983 100 ## $a19610601d19601961m y0pora0103 ba 101 1# $apor$cspa 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aEsquadra para a morte$fAlfonso Sastre$gtrad. Egito Gonçalves$gpref. Luís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aPorto$cDivulgação,$d1961 215 ## $a173 p.$d18 cm 675 ## $a860$vmed$zpor$3288127 700 #1 $aSastre,$bAlfonso,$f1926-2021$32395938 702 #1 $aGonçalves,$bEgito,$f1920-2001$4730$324532 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 52080 P.$x1 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $acr394 - 00118
Etiqueta de registo: 00721cam 022002411 04500 001 224913 003 005 19981202115800.0 035 ## $a(bn)224913 095 ## $aPTBN00233228 100 ## $a19781201d1978 em y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aDicionário do teatro português$fdir. de Luís Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cPrelo,$d[D.L. 1978]- 215 ## $av.$cil.$d23 cm 327 0# $a1º v.: A-L. - 432 p., [7] 675 ## $a869.0-2(03)$vmed$zpor$3414147 675 ## $a792(469)(03)$vmed$zpor$3414148 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4300$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sC.G. 14028 V. 966 ## $lCMELV$mCMELV$sEG4242 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s5-43-54-47 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCR500 - 00038
Etiqueta de registo: 01098cbm 02200277 04500 001 223726 003 005 19981202103700.0 035 ## $a(bn)223726 095 ## $aPTBN00232037 100 ## $a19821123f19421950k y0pora0103 ba 101 1# $apor$cita 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?O ?palco da vida$epeça em 3 actos$foriginal de Alessandre de Stefani$gtrad. de Luiz Francisco Rebelo 210 #1 $d[1942?] 215 ## $a[84] f.$d27 cm 300 ## $aDactil. 300 ## $aVisto da Comissão de Censura da Inspecção dos Espectáculos de 14.5.1942 e licença
de representação da mesma Inspecção à Empresa Rafael de Oliveira de 14.9.1959, com
a classificação de espectáculo para adultos (maiores de 17 anos) 700 #1 $aStefani,$bAlessandro de,$f1891-?$3120271 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4730$31667269 702 #1 $aMartinho,$bEduardo Antunes,$fca 18- -$4390$381682 712 02 $aCompanhia Rafael de Oliveira$4590$36032 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mRESMAN$sCOD. 11796 995 ## $aPRR2022 $d20231115$idfontes$zBND 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCOP1 - 00095
Etiqueta de registo: 00680cam 02200229 04500 001 206179 003 035 ## $a(bn)206179 100 ## $a19750101e1974 k y0pora01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aVisita guiada ao mundo do direito do autor$fLuíz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$c[s.n.],$d1974 215 ## $a51, [1] p.$d23 cm 305 ## $aSep. de: Revista da Ordem dos Advogados 675 ## $a34$vmed$zpor$3288005 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$x6 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sS.C. 37973 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00633cam 022002171 04500 001 202197 003 005 19981130093100.0 035 ## $a(bn)202197 095 ## $aPTBN00209802 100 ## $a19940827d1973 m y0pory0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aVisita guiada ao mundo dos direitos de autor$fLuís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aPorto$cOrdem dos Advogados,$d1973 215 ## $a64, [1] p.$d23 cm 675 ## $a34$vmed$zpor$3288005 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.A.D. 411 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aCR550 - 00124
Etiqueta de registo: 00799cam 022002531 04500 001 199947 003 005 19981130054900.0 035 ## $a(bn)199947 095 ## $aPTBN00207503 100 ## $a19901221d19 m y0pora0103 ba 101 1# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aEsperando por Godot ;$aActo sem palavras$fSamuel Beckett$gtrad. António Nogueira Santos$gpref. Luiz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cGleba,$d[19--] 215 ## $a268, [1] p.$d22 cm 225 2# $aFólio 517 1# $aActo sem palavras 700 #1 $aBeckett,$bSamuel,$f1906-1989$31612963 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 702 #1 $aSantos,$bAntónio Nogueira,$f1921-$4730$3113816 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sB.R. 3968 997 ## $aBIBEOD 998 ## $aBN09 - 00102
Etiqueta de registo: 00731cam 02200229 04500 001 187057 003 005 19981128181000.0 035 ## $a(bn)187057 095 ## $aPTBN00194337 100 ## $a19881215d19 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aTeatro português$ecento e vinte anos de literatura teatral portuguesa 210 #9 $a[S.l.]$cL. F. Rebello,$d[19--]$eLisboa :$gdistr. Círculo do Livro) 215 ## $a3 v.$cil.$d24 cm 675 ## $a869.0-2"18-19--"$vmed$zpor$3385964 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4220$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 29094 V. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 29095 V. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 29096 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00731cam 02200229 04500 001 186962 003 005 19981128175600.0 035 ## $a(bn)186962 095 ## $aPTBN00194237 100 ## $a19881215d19 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $aTeatro português$ecento e vinte anos de literatura teatral portuguesa 210 #9 $a[S.l.]$cL. F. Rebello,$d[19--]$eLisboa :$gdistr. Círculo do Livro) 215 ## $a3 v.$cil.$d24 cm 675 ## $a869.0-2"18-19--"$vmed$zpor$3385964 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4220$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 29094 V. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 29095 V. 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 29096 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00698cam 22002291 450 001 138895 003 005 20010702131000.0 035 ## $a(bn)138895 095 ## $aPTBN00144573 100 ## $a19620201d1961 m y0pora0103 ba 101 1# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?Um ?caso sem importância$fArmand Salacrou$gtrad. e pref. Luís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aLisboa$cMinotauro,$d1961 215 ## $a149 p., [1] f.$d20 cm 225 2# $aTeatro Minotauro$v5 675 ## $a840-31$vmed$zpor$3288125 700 #1 $aSalacrou,$bArmand,$f1899-1949$3390531 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4730$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 52741 P. 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$s4-21-31-42 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-3-4-23 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-6-3-43 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sBB 30220 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00745cam 02200241 04500 001 142992 003 035 ## $a(bn)142992 100 ## $a19981122f19621963m y0pory01030103ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aCondenados à vida$fLuíz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cTempo,$d[196-] 215 ## $a159, [1] p.$d22 cm 316 ## $aDedicatória do autor$5PTBN: J.S. 9930 317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 9930 675 ## $a821.134.3-31"19"$vBN$zpor$3298396 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 9930$x3 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 16619 V. 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00730cam 022002411 04500 001 133305 003 005 19981121214900.0 035 ## $a(bn)133305 095 ## $aPTBN00138959 100 ## $a19580501d1958 am y0pora0103 ba 101 1# $apor 102 ## $aPT 200 1# $a?O ?holandês$fJan August Strindberg$gtrad. e prefácio de Luís Francisco Rebelo 210 #9 $aCoimbra$c[s.n.,$dD.L. 1958] 215 ## $a33 p.$d22 cm 304 ## $aTit. orig. : Hollandaren 305 ## $aSep. Vértice, 17 675 ## $a839.7$vmed$zpor$3310723 700 #1 $aStrindberg,$bAugust,$f1849-1912$342012 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4730$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$sL. 47770 P. 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$sRJ-6-3-16 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s5-50-56-39 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01037cam 02200325 04500 001 119820 003 005 20020607164500.0 021 ## $aPT$b20475/88 035 ## $a(bn)119820 095 ## $aPTBN00125280 100 ## $a19890519d1988 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $ay z 000by 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aQue farei com este livro?$eteatro$fJosé Saramago$gpref. de Luiz Francisco Rebello 205 ## $a2a ed 210 #9 $aLisboa$cCaminho,$dimp. 1988 215 ## $a175 p.$d21 cm 225 2# $a?O ?campo da palavra 325 ## $aTexto em braille. - Porto : CPAC, 1991. - 2 vol., integral ; 31 cm 675 ## $a821.134.3-2"19/20"$vBN$zpor$31147973 700 #1 $aSaramago,$bJosé,$f1922-2010$310526 702 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$4080$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 40704 V.$x1 966 ## $c2$lBN$mFGMON$sL. 40704 V.$x1 966 ## $d2v$lBN$mINVISU$s2184 6244$x0 966 ## $lBN$mINVISU$s2184bl_001-2184bl_002$x0 966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-10-9-22 966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sLTP 746 V-LP 966 ## $lUPLE$mUPLE$s81/V/179v 997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00755cam 02200241 04500 001 111449 003 005 19981120152400.0 035 ## $a(bn)111449 095 ## $aPTBN00115742 100 ## $a19580401d1957 m y0pora0103 ba 101 0# $apor 102 ## $aPT 105 ## $aa z 001yy 106 ## $ar 200 1# $aTeatro moderno$ecaminhos e figuras ?uma ?antologia$fLuz Francisco Rebello 210 #9 $aLisboa$cCírculo do Livro [distrib.],$dimp. 1957 215 ## $a347, [1] p., XXVIII f. il.$cil.$d23 cm 675 ## $a79$vmed$zpor$3288684 700 #1 $aRebelo,$bLuís Francisco,$f1924-2011$31667269 801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC 966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Popular$sB.A. 24374 V.$x6 966 ## $lBN$mRESIMP$sRES. 2264 V. 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$s4-21-34-9 966 ## $lBPMFF$mBPMFF$nLegado Luís Cajßo$s5-11-26-25 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sRS 10655 966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sRS 10655.2 997 ## $aBIBEOD