Etiqueta de registo: 00896cam 02200289 04500
001 1062799
010 ## $a972-674-086-X
021 ## $aPT$b55584/92
035 ## $a(bn)1062799
100 ## $a20010720e20011992k y0pory01030103ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
105 ## $ay z 001yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aHistória da música portuguesa$fManuel Carlos de Brito, Luísa Cymbron
205 ## $a2ª ed.,$b2ª imp
210 #9 $aLisboa$cUniversidade Aberta,$d2001
215 ## $a187 p.$d30 cm
225 2# $aUniversidade Aberta$v47
606 ## $aMúsica portuguesa$xHistória$2SIPOR$383980
675 ## $a78(=1:469)(091)(075.8)$vBN$zpor$31760683
700 #1 $aBrito,$bManuel Carlos de,$f1945-$382062
701 #1 $aCymbron,$bLuísa,$f1963-$4070$327307
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
966 ## $lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 2253 V.$x1
966 ## $lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 2253 V.-D $x1
966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s7c 000797$x1
966 ## $b002$lUCBG$mUCBG$s6-50-59 $x1
997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00659cam 02200229 04500
001 1803657
005 20030531143900.0
010 ## $a84-86879-04-3$bBrochado
035 ## $672747
095 ## $aPTBN00884538
100 ## $a19960213d1988 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aspa
102 ## $aES
200 1# $aInquision y criptojudaismo$fJuan Blazquez Miguel
210 ## $aMadrid$cEdiciones Kaydeda,$dD.L. 1988
215 ## $a368 p., [2] f. dobr.$cil.$d21 cm
225 2# $aOrigenes
675 ## $a94$vmed$zpor$3291737
675 ## $a261.1$vmed$zpor$3358215
700 #1 $aBlazquez Miguel,$bJuan$3676483
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $1BCEP 94$2coop$4UMSD$6mq1075950$7bc$8coop$9UMSD$b146880$k0
998 ## $aMSD19-1414
Etiqueta de registo: 00611cam 2200217 450
001 1793714
005 20030618190600.0
010 ## $a0-521-23152-3
035 ## $834859
095 ## $aPTBN00488118
100 ## $a19920929d1990 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aGB
200 1# $aBetter English pronunciation$fJ. D. O'Conner
205 ## $a2nd ed
210 ## $aCambridge$cCambridge University Press,$d1990
215 ## $aX, 150 p.$d21 cm
675 ## $a37.02= 20$vmed$zpor$31434620
700 #1 $aO'Conner,$bJ. D.$3125245
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $137.02= 20 CON Bet$2coop$4UMDCJ$6mq1311216$7bc$8coop$9UMDCJ$b3514$k0
998 ## $aUMDC6-17
Etiqueta de registo: 00543cam 2200205 450
001 1960998
005 20030520161600.0
010 ## $a2-86930-202-9
035 ## $512749
095 ## $aPTBN00715755
100 ## $a19931116d1990 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $afre
102 ## $aFR
200 1# $aAlain Resnais$fMarcel Oms
210 ## $aParis$cRivages,$d1988
215 ## $a183p.$cil.
675 ## $a929 Resnais, Alain$vBN$zpor$31509586
700 #1 $aOms,$bMarcel$31492133
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $1EC 791.43.092 RES$2coop$4UCLE$6mq823235$7bc$8coop$9UCLE$b00382$k0
998 ## $aCLE16-243
Etiqueta de registo: 00650cam 2200193 450
001 1738291
005 20030630131100.0
035 ## $978989
095 ## $aPTBN00990232
100 ## $a19970619d1947 km y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aIN
200 1# $aMadura mission anuals$ethe anual report by St. John de Britto, S. J.
210 ## $aTrichinopoly$cThe Catholic Truth Society of India,$d1947
215 ## $a36 p.$d19 cm
675 ## $a266(540)(093)$v2med$zpor$31403804
700 #0 $aJoão de Brito,$cSanto,$f1647-1693,$cS.J.$364962
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $1266(540) JOA/BR$2coop$4UCJPII$6efalt283529$7bc$8coop$9UCJPII$aBiblioteca Silva Rego$b97-10498$k0
998 ## $aJP128-466
Etiqueta de registo: 00639cam 2200205 450
001 2029369
005 20030516153000.0
010 ## $a3-7879-0201-5$bBrochado
035 ## $435198
095 ## $aPTBN00636488
100 ## $a19830920d1981 k y0pory0103 ba
101 1# $aspa$cger
102 ## $aDE
200 1# $aVida cultural en la República Federal de Alemania$eperfil$f[trad. Luis Martïnez Hernández]
210 ## $aBonn$cInter Nationes,$d1981
215 ## $a244 p.$cil.$d20 cm
675 ## $a70.70 (430)$vBN$zpor$31553803
702 #1 $aMartínez Hernández,$bLuis$4730$3544322
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $1C30-1225$2coop$4ESACB$6mq3025020$7bc$8coop$9ESACB$k0
998 ## $aACB7-232
Etiqueta de registo: 00752cam 22002411 450
001 1885560
005 20030603055100.0
035 ## $708524
095 ## $aPTBN00922257
100 ## $a19970925g19679999km y0pory0103 ba
101 1# $afre$clat
102 ## $aFR
200 1# $a<Les >oeuvres du Saint-Esprit$fRupert de Deutz$gintrod. et notes par Jean Gribomont
210 ## $aParis$cCerf,$d1967-
215 ## $avol.$d20 cm
225 2# $aSources Chrétiennes$v131$v165
300 ## $aA biblioteca possui os vol. 1 e 2
300 ## $aExistem 2 exs. do vol. 2
675 ## $a873.3 Rup. D. 7 Op. Sp. .02=40$31488861
675 ## $a231.01$31364227
700 #1 $aRuperto de Divícia$3706194
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $1276(082) EA-131$2coop$4UCJPII$6mq1126049$7bc$8coop$9UCJPII$b69-484$c3$k0
998 ## $aJP98-896
Etiqueta de registo: 00612cam 2200193 450
001 1685881
005 20030627215800.0
035 ## $958412
095 ## $aPTBN00972796
100 ## $a19951108d1975 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
200 1# $aComo superar revolucionariamente a crise actual$b[texto policopiado]$fGrupo de Militares do MES
210 ## $a[Lisboa$cMES],$d1975
215 ## $a32 p.
675 ## $a329(469)"1975"$31366824
710 02 $aMovimento de esquerda Socialista.$bGrupo de Militares$3864900
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $1329(469)"1975" MOV$2coop$4UCCD25$6efalt264091$7bc$8coop$9UCCD25$b03321$k0
998 ## $aCCD16-30
Etiqueta de registo: 00786nam 2200265 450
001 1586007
010 ## $a972-674-086-X
021 ## $aPT$b54584/92
035 ## $a(bn)1586007
100 ## $a20070411d2005 k y0pory01030103ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
105 ## $ay z 000yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aHistória da música portuguesa$fManuel Carlos de Brito
205 ## $a1ª ed.,$b4ª imp
210 #9 $aLisboa$cUniversidade Aberta,$d2005
215 ## $a187 p.$d30 cm
225 2# $aUniversidade Aberta$v47
675 ## $a78$vBN$zpor$3288149
700 #1 $aBrito,$bManuel Carlos de,$f1945-$382062
701 #1 $aCymbron,$bLuísa,$f1963-$4070$327307
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
966 ## $lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 3073 V.$x1
966 ## $lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 3073 V.-D $x1
966 ## $lBPRMAD$mBPRMAD$nLena$sMUS78.03BRI
Etiqueta de registo: 00586cam 2200193 450
001 1885559
005 20030527152700.0
035 ## $606010
095 ## $aPTBN00816328
100 ## $a19940304d1992 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aGB
200 1# $aCounter-inflationary policy in the framework of the EMS$fMichael J. Artis
210 ## $aLondon$cCentre for Economic Policy Research,$d1992
215 ## $a22 p.$d21 cm
225 2# $aDiscussion Paper Series$v649
700 #1 $aArtis,$bMichael J.,$f1938-$3631996
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $11119$2coop$4MFSG$6mq975696$7bc$8coop$9MFSG$k0
998 ## $aFSG2-449
Etiqueta de registo: 01538nam 2200361 450
001 1317650
010 ## $bBrochado$doferta
035 ## $aunlcsh001/04-03-2005/6950
100 ## $a20040302d2003 k y0porb0103 ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
105 ## $aa m 001yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aCanções sobre poemas de Camões na primeira metade do século XX$bTexto policopiado]$econtributo para a história do Lied português$fPaulo Alexandre Gonçalves da Silva Esteireiro$gorient. Manuel Carlos de Brito
210 ## $aLisboa$c[s. n.]$d2003
215 ## $a2 v.$cil.$d30 cm
320 ## $aContém bibliografia
328 #0 $bTese mestr.$cCiências Musicais (Ciências Musicais Históricas)$eFac. de Ciências Sociais e Humanas, Univ. Nova de Lisboa$d2003
606 ## $2SIPOR$31232478
606 ## $2SIPOR$31232474
606 00 $2SIPOR$31232476
675 ## $a784(=1:469)"1900/1950"(043)$vBN$zpor$31232479
675 ## $a821.134.3-1Camões, Luís de.09(043)$vBN$zpor$31232491
675 ## $a784.3(=1:469)"1900/1950"(043)$vBN$zpor$31232492
675 ## $a78.07A/Z(=1:469)"1900/1950"(043)$vBN$zpor$31232493
700 #1 $aEsteireiro$bPaulo$f1975-$31237580
702 #1 $aBrito$bManuel Carlos de$f1945-$4727$382062
712 02 $aUniversidade Nova de Lisboa$bFaculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas$4295$320137
801 #0 $aPT$bUNLCSH$gRPC
997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00874cam 2200265 450
001 824588
005 19990125000000.0
010 ## $a0-521-35312-2
035 ## $a(bn)824588
095 ## $aPTBN00476759
100 ## $a19930817d1989 mkcy0pory01030103ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aGB
105 ## $aa z 001yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aOpera in Portugal in the eighteenth century$fManuel Carlos de Brito
210 #9 $aCambridge [etc.]$cCambridge University Press,$d1989
215 ## $aXV, [1], 254 p.$cil.$d24 cm
300 ## $aUsual Sala de Leitura de Música (M.U. 509)
320 ## $aBibliografia, p. 220-236
606 ## $aÓpera$yPortugal$zSéc. 18$2SIPOR$3111568
675 ## $a782(469)"17"$vBN$zpor$3558909
700 #1 $aBrito,$bManuel Carlos de,$f1945-$382062
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
966 ## $lBN$mMUSICA$nUsual Sala de Leitura de Música (M.U. 509)$sM. 843 V. $x2
966 ## $lESES$mESES$s782(468)"17" BRI-OPE
966 ## $lIPLGD$mIPLGD$s782 BRI
966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$sMI-1-4-144
966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s782(469) BRI
966 ## $lUFPES$mUFPES$sBC AS 782(469)/BRI/21153
Etiqueta de registo: 00923cam 2200301 450
001 535514
010 ## $a972-674-086-X
021 ## $aPT$b54584/92
035 ## $a(bn)535514
100 ## $a19950608d1994 m y0pory01030103ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
105 ## $ay j 001yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aHistória da música portuguesa$fManuel Carlos de Brito, Luísa Cymbron
205 ## $a2ª ed
210 #9 $aLisboa$cUniversidade Aberta,$d1994
215 ## $a187, [3] p.$d30 cm
225 2# $aUniversidade Aberta$v47
606 ## $aMúsica portuguesa$xHistória$2SIPOR$383980
675 ## $a78(=1:469)(091)(075.8)$vBN$zpor$31760683
700 #1 $aBrito,$bManuel Carlos de,$f1945-$382062
701 #1 $aCymbron,$bLuísa,$f1963-$327307
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
966 ## $c2$lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 986 V. $x1
966 ## $c2$lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 986 V.-D $x1
966 ## $lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 5606 V.$x3
966 ## $lESEC$mESEC$s78/79
966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$sMI-1-11-156 A
997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01509ccm 2200385 450
001 678082
035 ## $a(bn)678082
100 ## $a19990106d1983 m y0pory01030103ba
101 0# $apor$aeng
102 ## $aPT
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aVilancicos do século XVII do Mosteiro de Santa Cruz em Coimbra$bMúsica impressa]$gtranscrição e estudo de Manuel de Carlos Brito
210 #9 $aLisboa$cFundação Calouste Gulbenkian,$d1983
215 ## $a8 partituras (XXII, 116, [16] p.)$d31 cm
225 2# $aPortugaliae musica.$hSérie A$v43
301 ## $aNº de chapa: PM 1040
305 ## $aEd. bilingue em português e inglês
316 ## $aDedicatória do autor$5PTBN: DOD
317 ## $aConservatório Nacional$5PTBN: C.N. 3570 A.
317 ## $aBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$5PTBN: J.S. 10820
317 ## $aColeção Cremilde e Gerhard Doderer$5PTBN: DOD.PC. 254
500 10 $aVilancicos,$rVV, org
606 ## $aMúsica vocal$zSéc. 17$x[Música impressa]$2SIPOR$3974028
675 ## $a784.1$vBN$zpor$3539866
675 ## $a78.087.68$vBN$zpor$3708547
675 ## $a784(=1:469)$vBN$zpor$31602073
675 ## $a78.089.6$vBN$zpor$3536969
702 #1 $aBrito,$bManuel Carlos de,$f1945-$4340$382062
710 02 $aCónegos Regrantes de Santo Agostinho.$bMosteiro de Santa Cruz$c(Coimbra)$363879
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$pBiblioteca Jorge de Sena$sJ.S. 10820$x3
966 ## $lBN$mMUSICA$sDOD$x3
966 ## $lBN$mMUSICA$sM.P. 377 A. $x6
966 ## $lBN$mMUSICA$sM.P. 377 A. $x6
976 ## $d20230131$rjamaral
Etiqueta de registo: 00924cam 2200289 450
001 381949
010 ## $a972-674-086-X
021 ## $aPT$b54584/92
035 ## $a(bn)381949
100 ## $a19930111d1992 m y0pory01030103ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
105 ## $ay j 001yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aHistória da música portuguesa$fManuel Carlos de Brito, Luísa Cymbron
210 #9 $aLisboa$cUniversidade Aberta,$d1992
215 ## $a187, [3] p.$d30 cm
225 2# $aTextos de base$v47
606 ## $aMúsica portuguesa$xHistória$2SIPOR$383980
675 ## $a78(=1:469)(091)(075.8)$vBN$zpor$31760683
700 #1 $aBrito,$bManuel Carlos de,$f1945-$382062
701 #1 $aCymbron,$bLuísa,$f1963-$4070$327307
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
966 ## $lABMAD$mABMAD$sUniv. Aberta V3
966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$nUsual Sala de Leitura Geral$s78.03 (469) BRI$x6
966 ## $c2$lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 533 V. $x1
966 ## $c2$lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 533 V.-D $x1
966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sH6-6-50(47)
966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sS6-10-40[47]
966 ## $lESECB$mESECB$s16.2
966 ## $lESEJPG$mESEJPG$s78 BRI
966 ## $lESEL$mESEL$s78(091) BRI
966 ## $c2$lESES$mESES$s78(091) BRI-HIS
966 ## $lIPAL$mIPAL$s78(091) BRI
966 ## $lIPAL$mIPAL$s78(091) BRI
966 ## $lIPMCV$mIPMCV$s78 BRI
966 ## $lIPMRD$mIPMRD$s78 BRI
966 ## $lIPVIS$mIPVIS$s78(09) BRI | IPVI
966 ## $lUACSD$mUACSD$sSD 78(091) B876h
966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$sMI-1-11-156
966 ## $lUEBIB$mUEBIB$s78 BRI h
966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$nM23$sM 1438
997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 01049cam 2200301 450
001 227136
021 ## $aPT$b25513/89
035 ## $a(bn)227136
100 ## $a19900329d1990 m a0pory01030103ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
105 ## $ag z 000yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aCrónicas da vida musical portuguesa na primeira metade do século XIX$fManuel Carlos de Brito, David Cranmer
210 #9 $aLisboa$cImp. Nacional-Casa da Moeda,$dimp. 1990
215 ## $a100, [7] p.$cnot. mus.$d24 cm
225 2# $aArte e artistas
330 ## $aSérie de artigos do jornal alemão Allgemeine Musikalische Zeitung
605 ## $aAllgemeine Musikalische Zeitung$2SIPOR$32363006
606 ## $aMúsica$yPortugal$z1801-1850$x[Crónicas]$2SIPOR$32363007
675 ## $a78(049)$vBN$zpor$31565028
675 ## $a78(469)$vBN$zpor$3350460
700 #1 $aBrito,$bManuel Carlos de,$f1945-$382062
701 #1 $aCranmer,$bDavid,$f1954-$4070$31608408
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
966 ## $lBAM$mBAM$nManuela$sTM 286
966 ## $c2$lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 753 V. $x1
966 ## $c2$lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 753 V.-D $x1
966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sX6-7-60[39] $x1
966 ## $lBPVNG$mBPVNG$s52068
966 ## $lESEC$mESEC$s78/85
966 ## $lESES$mESES$s784.2(469)"1799/1846"(093.3) CRO
966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sMSC 1861
966 ## $lUALLC$mUALLC$s78 BRI
966 ## $lUALLC$mUALLC$sCO 78 BRI
966 ## $lUALLC$mUALLC$sCO 78 BRI
966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$sMI-1-5-44
966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s78(469) BRI/1
966 ## $lUPLE$mUPLE$s78B876c
997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00785cam 2200265 450
001 209863
010 ## $a972-33-0831-2
021 ## $aPT$b32704/89
035 ## $a(bn)209863
100 ## $a19891227d1989 kmcy0pory01030103ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
105 ## $ay z 001yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aEstudos de história da música em Portugal$fManuel Carlos de Brito
210 #9 $aLisboa$cEstampa,$d1989
215 ## $a221 p.$d21 cm
225 2# $aImprensa universitária$v78
606 ## $aMúsica$yPortugal$xHistória$2SIPOR$311425
675 ## $a78(469)(091)$vBN$zpor$3402216
700 #1 $aBrito,$bManuel Carlos de,$f1945-$382062
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
966 ## $lBAM$mBAM$nManuela$sTM 260
966 ## $c2$lBN$mMUSICA$s78(469)(091) BRI Estu$x1
966 ## $c2$lBN$mMUSICA$sM. 744 V.-D $x1
966 ## $lBPEV$mBPEV$s78 BRI/EST
966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sS2-12-1[78] $x1
966 ## $lBPVNG$mBPVNG$s50289
966 ## $lESEC$mESEC$nR.E.$s78/83
966 ## $lESEJPG$mESEJPG$nLivro em restauro$s78 BRI
966 ## $lESES$mESES$s78(469)(091) BRI-EST
966 ## $lFCGBG$mFCGBG$sMSC 1813
966 ## $lIPLGD$mIPLGD$s78.01 BRI
966 ## $lIPMCV$mIPMCV$s78 BRI
966 ## $lIPMCV$mIPMCV$s78 BRI
966 ## $lIPMCV$mIPMCV$s78 BRI
966 ## $lIPMCV$mIPMCV$s78 BRI
966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$sMI-1-5-14
966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$s78(469) BRI
966 ## $lUEBIB$mUEBIB$s78 BRI E
966 ## $lUEBIB$mUEBIB$s78 BRI e
966 ## $lULLE$mULLE$sA 1528 V
966 ## $lUMSD$mUMSD$sBGUM1 78(469)"15/17"
966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sM 916
966 ## $lUPLE$mUPLE$s78B876e
966 ## $lUTADBG$mUTADBG$sExp. Musical 21245 CE
997 ## $aBIBEOD
Etiqueta de registo: 00852cma 2200241 450
001 1233953
035 ## $a(bn)1233953
100 ## $a20040316d2002 m y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
105 ## $ay z 000yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aMemória da Música$bDocumento Electrónico]$fBiblioteca Nacional$gcoord. de Manuel Carlos de Brito e Catarina Latino
210 #9 $aLisboa$cBiblioteca Nacional,$d2002
230 ## $aMultimédia interactivo
304 ## $aTít. retirado da pág. de acolhimento
463 #1 $aNunes$bMaria Margarida Ataíde
702 #1 $aBrito,$bManuel Carlos de,$f1945-$4340$382062
702 #1 $aLatino,$bCatarina,$f1947-2011$4340$31686855
710 01 $aPortugal.$bBiblioteca Nacional$33
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
856 40 $u
966 ## $lBN$mBND$nDocumento Electrónico$sPURL 401
Etiqueta de registo: 00650cam 22002291 450
001 1893270
005 20030601114500.0
010 ## $a88-394-0424-4
035 ## $699259
095 ## $aPTBN00912927
100 ## $a19970607d1988 km y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aita
102 ## $aIT
200 1# $a<La >gioia di Cristo nel Quarto Vangelo$fGiuseppe Ferraro
210 ## $aBrescia$cPaideia,$d1988
215 ## $a308, [10] p.$d21 cm
225 2# $aStudi Biblici$v83
675 ## $a226.5:241.513.41$31494415
675 ## $a241.513.41:226.5$31494416
700 #1 $aFerraro,$bGiuseppe$3140681
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $122(082) FB-83$2coop$4UCJPII$6mq1111546$7bc$8coop$9UCJPII$b89-730$k0
998 ## $aJP96-1250
Etiqueta de registo: 00661cam 2200205 450
001 1885563
005 20030527152600.0
035 ## $606008
095 ## $aPTBN00816326
100 ## $a19940304d1992 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aGB
200 1# $a<The >adjustment towards national solvency in developing countries: an application
to India$fSubrata Ghatak and Paul Levine
210 ## $aLondon$cCentre for Economic Policy Research,$d1992
215 ## $a26 p.$d21 cm
225 2# $aDiscussion Paper Series$v647
700 #1 $aGhatak,$bSubrata$31378854
701 #1 $aLevine,$bPaul$4070$3568741
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $11117$2coop$4MFSG$6mq975694$7bc$8coop$9MFSG$k0
998 ## $aFSG2-447
Etiqueta de registo: 00575cam 2200193 450
001 1940316
005 20030521162600.0
035 ## $532703
095 ## $aPTBN00735754
100 ## $a19910328d1977 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $ager
102 ## $aDE
200 1# $aStreifzüge$eAufsätze und Kritiken$fFriedrich Dieckmann
210 ## $aBerlin$cAufbau-Verlag,$d1977
215 ## $a363p.,[20]p.est.
675 ## $a830-4 Dieckmann, Friedrich$vBN$zpor$31519113
700 #1 $aDieckmann,$bFriedrich$31519114
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $1AL B/3-(3)-62 S.12$2coop$4UCLE$6mq854366$7bc$8coop$9UCLE$b21662$k0
998 ## $aCLE31-696
Etiqueta de registo: 00644cam 22002171 450
001 1885564
005 20030603055100.0
035 ## $708522
095 ## $aPTBN00922255
100 ## $a19970925d1980 km y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $afre
102 ## $aFR
200 1# $a<The >development of Augustine's doctrine of operative Grace$fJ. Patout Burns
210 ## $aParis$cÉtudes Augustiniennes,$d1980
215 ## $a191 p.$d25 cm
225 2# $aÉtudes Augustiniennes
675 ## $a2Agostinho, Santo$3366041
675 ## $a234.115$31425277
700 #1 $aBurns,$bJ. Patout$31488862
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $1276(082) EC-BUR$2coop$4UCJPII$6mq1126047$7bc$8coop$9UCJPII$b81-110$k0
998 ## $aJP98-894
Etiqueta de registo: 00559cam 22002051 450
001 2026692
005 20030516182100.0
010 ## $a0-471-02962-9
035 ## $436956
095 ## $aPTBN00638333
100 ## $a19881024d1979 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aUS
200 1# $aPractical metallurgy and materials of industry$fJohn Neely
210 ## $aNew YorK$cJohn Wiley,$d1979
215 ## $aX, 402 p.
675 ## $a669(469)$vBN$zpor$3288210
700 #1 $aNeely,$bJohn$3178637
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $14-3-29$2coop$4ISEC$6mq706265$7bc$8coop$9ISEC$b02062$k0
998 ## $aISEC4-13
Etiqueta de registo: 00549cam 2200193 450
001 1885561
005 20030527152700.0
035 ## $606009
095 ## $aPTBN00816327
100 ## $a19940304d1992 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aGB
200 1# $a<The >adjustment mechanism$fMaurice Obstfeld
210 ## $aLondon$cCentre for Economic Policy Research,$d1992
215 ## $a85 p.$d21 cm
225 2# $aDiscussion Paper Series$v648
700 #1 $aObstfeld,$bMaurice$3178121
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
977 ## $11118$2coop$4MFSG$6mq975695$7bc$8coop$9MFSG$k0
998 ## $aFSG2-448
Etiqueta de registo: 00909nam 2200277 450
001 2068910
010 ## $a978-972-8726-76-8
010 ## $a972-8726-76-7
021 ## $aPT$b244441/06
035 ## $a(bn)1685593
100 ## $a20080624d2006 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
105 ## $ay z 000yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aDesenvolvimento económico, integração regional e ajuda externa em África$fAugusto José Pereira Trindade
210 #9 $aLisboa$cInst. Superior de Ciências Sociais e Políticas,$d2006
215 ## $a151 p.$d24 cm
320 ## $aBibliografia, p. 141-151
675 ## $a338.1(6)"1980/2000"$vBN$zpor$31585144
675 ## $a339.96(6)"1980/2000"$vBN$zpor$31566540
700 #1 $aTrindade,$bAugusto José Pereira$3949715
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
900 ## $aBIBNAC$d20130602
966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$x1
966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$x1
966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$s3b 007628
966 ## $lBPRMAD$mBPRMAD$nCeleste$sECO338.1TRI
966 ## $lUNLCSH$mUNLCSH$sCS 11989
Etiqueta de registo: 00593cas 2200217 450
001 2071175
035 ## $a(bn)1687873
100 ## $a20080721a20079999m y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
106 ## $ae
110 ## $acuuzz 0xx0
200 1# $aCruel$fMau Artista - Associação Cultural
207 #0 $aA. 1, nº 1 (26 Jan./4 Fev. 2007)-
210 #9 $aPorto$cM.A.A.C.,$d2007-
215 ## $d41 cm
620 ## $dPorto
675 ## $a792(469.121)(05)$vBN$zpor$3713744
712 02 $aMau Artista$4650$31579337
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
966 ## $lBN$mFGJOR$sJ. 6963 V.$x1
966 ## $lBPMP$mBPMP$sP-C-4182
966 ## $lUCBG$mUCBG$s8-41 G-25-1 $x1
Etiqueta de registo: 00945nam 2200289 450
001 2080424
010 ## $a978-972-9483-90-5
021 ## $aPT$b283753/08
035 ## $a(bn)1697790
100 ## $a20081215d2008 m y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
105 ## $aa v 000yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aImplantação da cidade portuguesa no Norte de África$eda tomada de Ceuta a meados do século XVI$fJorge Correia$grev. técnica Teresa Godinho
205 ## $a1ª ed
210 #9 $aPorto$cFAUP,$d2008
215 ## $a510 p.$cil.$d26 cm
225 2# $aSérie 1.$iEnsaios$v26
320 ## $aBibliografia 427-445
675 ## $a72(=1:469)(64)"1415/1550"$vBN$zpor$31764631
675 ## $a711.4(=1:469)(64)"1415/1550"$vBN$zpor$31764632
675 ## $a94(469)"1415/1550"$vBN$zpor$31764633
700 #1 $aCorreia,$bJorge,$f1975$31635587
702 #1 $aGodinho,$bTeresa$4695$31190614
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$x3
Etiqueta de registo: 00932nam 2200229 450
001 2081178
010 ## $a978-92-79-09497-2
035 ## $a(bn)1698555
100 ## $a20081229d2008 m y0pory01030103ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aLU
105 ## $aa z 000yy
106 ## $ar
200 1# $aCommunication from the Commission to the Council, the European Parliament, the European
Economic and Social Committee and the Committee of the Regions
210 #9 $aLuxembourg$cOffice for Official Publications of the European Communities,$d2008
215 ## $a23, [1] p. a 2 colns$cil.$d30 cm
312 ## $aTít. capa: A "small business act" for Europe : a new boost for small businesses
320 ## $aBibliografia, p. 19-23
512 1# $a?A ?"small business act" for Europe$e?a ?new boost for small businesses
675 ## $a658.1(4-67UE)$vBN$zpor$31750297
801 #0 $aPT$bBN$gRPC
966 ## $lBN$mFGMON$x3
966 ## $lUCJPII$mUCJPII$sCDEM-4406/320
Etiqueta de registo: 00590nam 2200205 450
001 2121955
010 ## $a0-7167-3312-9
035 ## $aESEC_BC_127.iso/17-03-2009/19165
100 ## $a19990513d1999 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aUS
200 1# $a<The >social animal$fElliot Aronson
205 ## $a8th ed
210 ## $aNew York$cWorth Publishers$cW. H. Freeman$dcop. 1999
215 ## $a548 p
225 2# $aBooks by Elliot Aronson$v4
320 ## $aBibliografia, p. 463-530
675 ## $a316$vBN$zpor
700 #1 $aAronson$bElliot
801 #0 $aPT$bESEC$gRPC
Etiqueta de registo: 00525nam 2200181 450
001 2121933
010 ## $a0-7506-3654-8
035 ## $aESEC_BC_127.iso/17-03-2009/19139
100 ## $a19990906d1997 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aEN
200 1# $aUnderstanding tourism$fS. Medlik
210 ## $aOxford$cButterworth-Heinemann$dcop. 1997
215 ## $a236 p.
675 ## $a338.48$vBN$zpor
700 #1 $aMedlik$bS.
801 #0 $aPT$bESEC$gRPC
Etiqueta de registo: 00623nam 2200181 450
001 2121927
010 ## $a1-885693-09-5
035 ## $aESEC_BC_127.iso/17-03-2009/19132
100 ## $a19990426d1998 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aUS
200 1# $aExercising your way to better mental health$ecombat stress, fight depression, and improve your overall...$fLarry M. Leith
210 ## $aMorgantown$cFitness Information Technology$dcop. 1998
215 ## $a119 p.
675 ## $a796:611/612$vBN$zpor
675 ## $a611/612:796$vBN$zpor
700 #1 $aLeith$bLarry M.
801 #0 $aPT$bESEC$gRPC
Etiqueta de registo: 00684nam 2200217 450
001 2121916
010 ## $a0-697-10104-5
035 ## $aESEC_BC_127.iso/17-03-2009/19120
100 ## $a19990527d1993 k y0pory0103 ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aUS
200 1# $aSexuality$einsights and issues$fJerrold S. Greenberg, Clint E. Bruess, Kathleen D. Muller
205 ## $a3rd ed
210 ## $aMadison$cWCB Brown & Benchmark$dcop. 1993
215 ## $a640 p.
320 ## $aBibliografia, p. 601-620
675 ## $a613/614$vBN$zpor
700 #1 $aGreenberg$bJerrold S.
701 #1 $aBruess$bClint E.$4070
701 #1 $aMullen$bKathleen d.$4070
801 #0 $aPT$bESEC$gRPC
Etiqueta de registo: 00579nam 2200181 450
001 2122467
010 ## $a2-7256-1389-2
035 ## $aESEC_BC_127.iso/17-03-2009/19715
100 ## $a20010808d1991 k y0porb0103 ba
101 0# $afre
102 ## $aFR
200 1# $aDes spectacles pour les enfants$edu mime à la pièce de théâtre$e6-12 ans$fsous la direction de Denise Chauvel
210 ## $aParis$cRetz$dcop. 1991
215 ## $a139 p.$cil
225 2# $aExpression théâtrale
675 ## $a792$vBN$zpor
702 #1 $aChauvel$bDenise$4300
801 #0 $aPT$bESEC$gRPC
Etiqueta de registo: 00537nam 2200181 450
001 2122463
010 ## $a2-7465004-0
035 ## $aESEC_BC_127.iso/17-03-2009/19711
100 ## $a20010808d1999 k y0porb0103 ba
101 0# $afre
102 ## $aFR
200 1# $aSe nourrir se reproduire... et autres fonctions du vivant$fMaurice Lièvremont
210 ## $a[Paris]$cLe Pommier$dcop. 1999
215 ## $a159 p
225 2# $aQuatre à quatre
675 ## $a61$vBN$zpor
700 #1 $aLièvremont$bMaurice
801 #0 $aPT$bESEC$gRPC
Etiqueta de registo: 00650nam 2200193 450
001 2122636
010 ## $a0-521-63726-0
035 ## $aESEC_BC_127.iso/17-03-2009/19892
100 ## $a20010921d1998 k y0porb0103 ba
101 0# $aeng
102 ## $aUS
200 1# $aImpersonal influence$fDiana C. Mutz$ehow perceptions of mass collectives affect political attitudes
210 ## $aCambridge$cCambridge University Press$d1998
215 ## $a333 p
225 2# $aCambridge studies in political psychology and public opinion
675 ## $a316.77$vBN$zpor
675 ## $a32/34$vBN$zpor
700 #1 $aMutz$bDiana C.
801 #0 $aPT$bESEC$gRPC
Etiqueta de registo: 00947nam 2200217 450
001 2126494
035 ## $aESEC_BC_127.iso/17-03-2009/25027
035 ## $aESEC20070803115444
100 ## $a20070803d1995 k y0porb0103 ba
101 0# $apor
102 ## $aPT
105 ## $aa m 001yy
200 1# $a<O >estado, as associações populares e a educação de adultos. (In)compatibilidades
de um estado em recomposição$eou "Ler a vida para mudar o destino"$fLuísa Lúcia da Silva Nogueira Bandeira
210 ## $aCoimbra$cFaculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra$d1995
215 ## $a2 vol
328 ## $bMonografia de licenciatura$cSociologia$d1995$eFaculdade de Economia da Universidade de Coimbra
675 ## $a374$vBN$zpor
700 #1 $aBandeira$bLuisa Lúcia da Silva Nogueira
712 02 $aUniversidade de Coimbra$bFaculdade de Economia$4295
801 #0 $aPT$bESEC$gRPC